This ongoing project is an effort to scan craft pattern publications that are in the public domain,
to preserve them, so we can keep our craft heritages in our hands. Most of these scans have been graphically
edited to make the images easier for craft workers to see, and to reduce file sizes. They are available,
for free, to anyone who wants them, for educational, personal, artistic and other creative uses.
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Modern Handcraft, Inc. (publ.)
The Workbasket
Home and Needlecraft for Pleasure and Profit
Modern Handcraft, 2401 Burlington, Kansas City 16, Missouri
Cover shows baby booties. Knitting: baby bootees (three variations), Dutch hat. Tatting: Round Scallop edge. Crochet: five crocheted edgings. Filet crochet: Rose Scarf. Aunt Ellen's Club Notes, with an article about samplers. More knitting: Knitted Shopping Bag with embroidered flowers outside the knitted pocket. More crochet: Hot Dish Mat Set "Three-In-One". Infants' Knitted Bib with a knitted and crocheted edging. Crocheted Tray shaped with starch, and with sewn-on handles.
Stapled softcover, 16 pages, entirely monochrome, 5.25 x 7.75 inch.
Original scan size plm. 2100 x 3100 pixels at 400dpi.
From the collection of Sarah Dalton, scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma. Published with kind permission of F+W Media, the current copyright holder.
Knitting Crochet Filet crochet Tatting SD
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Coats & Clark's (publ.)
Place Mats and Doilies in the Contemporary Manner
O.N.T. Book No. 315
New York, Coats & Clarks, Inc., 1955, 16 pgs.
Twelve placemat and doilies crochet patterns, with colored illustrations. S-478 Orange Blossom round doily, S-750 Star Wheel Place Mat round, S-749 Ripple Rhythm round doily, S-751 Strawberry Cream rectangular placemat, S-752 Avocado Stripes rectangular placemat, S-753 Silver Sands oval placemat, S-754 Candy Cane round placemat, S-755 Sundial round doily, S-756 Modern Classic rectangular placemat, S-758 Comet's Tail round doily, S-759 Brocade round doily, S-757 Rose Wreath round doily.
Stapled softcover with rounded corners, 7 by 10.5 inch. 16 pages including covers. Folded double, bad condition, last page damaged and small part missing.
Scanned J917 400dpi png.
Donated by Judith Adele, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
Crochet Doilies Crochet JA
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Hoare, Katherin L.
The Art of Tatting
with an introduction by H.M. the Queen of Roumania, with 54 plates in collotype
Longmans, Green and Co., 39 Paternoster Row, London, 1910
A very well-known work about tatting, with a short introduction about the technique, 6 illustrations of people tatting, and then 49 plates of exquisite tatting work. Some items are beaded as well, and there's also tatted motifs embroidered on textile. Many religious items. The photographs weren't modern-quality sharp, but have been carefully edited and kept at the original scan resolution, in order to allow people to work from them.
Hardcover, bound in yellow linen with a tatting shuttle and monogram on the cover, dark green back.
First 12 pages with roman numerals, how-to tat pg 15-22, then 54 plates with 1 page description each.
Total pages 127 not counting covers, flyleaves and (many) blank pages.
Original scan size 3400 x 4680 in 400dpi.
Scans donated and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
Tatting SW
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Le Journal des Dames & des Demoiselles (publ.)
Slipper top with roses and rosebuds
Dessin de Mme Figuier, 2, Rue de Navarin
Le Journal des Dames & des Demoiselles, 31, Rue Blaès, à Bruxelles
Handpainted pattern on grey cardboard, torn in two and paint badly damaged. Slipper top with roses and rose buds, no background color given.
Image donated by Joke Visser, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.
Slipper Embroidery Charted Tapestry BerlinWork Cross-stitch JV
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Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine (publ.)
Baby's boot embroidered in silk
The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine
A single sheet printed pattern, and the text page containing the description and instructions, taken from an issue of the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, which one is not known.
Images donated by ebay seller reloved_stuff_shop, charted by Sytske Wijnsma.
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Fitzgerald, Sallie G.
Priscilla Juniors' Basketry Book
A series of Graded Lessons for Children
The Priscilla Publishing Co., 85 Broad Street, Boston, Mass.
Softcover stapled, 32 pages not including covers. Dated 1914. Lessons from Kindergarten to sixth grade, starting with raffia braiding and ending with reed work. Baskets, doll parasol, card tray, doll hammock, small bags, pin wheel, napkin ring, needlebook and many other small and sometimes useful items. The raffia loom and sewing card for beginners are also illustrated.
From the collection of Luann Pfost, scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
Basketry LP
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Priscilla's Special Service Sheet - No. 30
Boston, Priscilla Publishing, 1922, 2 pgs
Rattan or reed woven basket instructions. Single sheet, printed on both sides. Explanations and illustrations of six fundamental weaves and how to make a simple border, commercial border, and flat plaited border.
Scans donated and edited by Judith Adele.
Basketry JA
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Kuehn, Heinrich
Tray with white flowers
Heinrich Kuehn, Berlin
Handpainted partial Berlin woolwork pattern on a single sheet. The pattern number has been torn off. White flowers on a background with shades of brown. The completed design is 85x195 but only the left and the middle part are on the pattern. People were supposed to be able to figure out the rest of the pattern, assumed to be the mirror image of the left side. The charts are complete. This type of pattern was used to make (glazed) tea trays in beadwork or wool embroidery. Of course other purposes are not excluded.
Images donated by ebay seller joan10605. Pattern from her grandmother's needlework studio in Manhattan, LaMer's Studio, from 1909-1967, where she taught needlework and did work for musea and famous customers.
Embroidery BerlinWork Beading Charted Cross-stitch Tapestry JO
Modèles à Broder
French title, but text of several motifs is German. Twenty alphabets, some numbers, and recurring numbers 6 12 and 24. No indication whatsoever of publisher or publication date.
Scans donated and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
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Modern Handcraft, Inc. (publ.)
The Workbasket
Home and Needlecraft for Pleasure and Profit
Modern Handcraft, 2401 Burlington, Kansas City 16, Missouri
Stapled softcover, 16 pages, page 8 and 9 combined. Crocheted pillow, Clover Leave doily, Tropical Flower pan holder set. Tatting: Tatted Triangle Motif. Quilting: Star of Bethlehem quilt, Aunt Ellen's Club Notes with notes on the history of lace. Crocheted Hot Plate mats, collar and belt set. Knitting: knitted gloves.
From the collection of Sarah Dalton, scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma. Published with kind permission of F+W Media, the current copyright holder.
Quilting Crochet Tatting Knitting SD
![M-JO002 [Heinrich Kuehn] - Neuestes Stick-Album 785 M-JO002 [Heinrich Kuehn] - Neuestes Stick-Album 785](../../pub/Thumbnails/M-JO002.th.png) | PDF
[Kuehn, Heinrich (publ.)]
Neuestes Stick-Album 785
265672836871 Antique Needlework Pattern Booklet #785 Berlin 1800's Floral Designs & Alphabet
Probably Heinrich Kuehn, Berlin
Brown leporello, litho, five colored patterns and five blue/white alphabet patterns. Two of the colored patterns occur in other booklets (compare E-WM027) and all five alphabet patterns are also duplicates.
Images donated by ebay seller joan10605, charted by Sytske Wijnsma. Pattern from her grandmother's needlework studio in Manhattan, LaMer's Studio, from 1909-1967, where she taught needlework and did work for musea and famous customers.
Alphabet Embroidery Charted Cross-stitch JO
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Cataloguers needed!
We badly need trained librarians or scholars in humanities, to help make our catalog useful and conforming to standards, and teach other volunteers how to do this.
If you have some training in cataloguing, we'd be very glad for your help. As many or as few hours you would be willing to spend on it, it all would help.
Contact Judith or Sytske via the groups.io/g/antiquepatternlibrary group, or send a mail to the info address above. Thank you!
Who we are
Antique Pattern Library is a project of Metaverse Libraries, a nonprofit organization domiciled in Canada. Registration as charity is in progress.
Your donations may be tax deductible, depending on your tax status and tax
jurisdiction. Please consult a tax professional in your country.
to donate. Thank you!
Click here to find out more about Metaverse Libraries
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visit Creative Commons licenses or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA 94305 USA.
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Conditions of Use
By downloading the files, you are agreeing to the following conditions:
The files are scans of books which are now in the public domain. Although the originals have no copyright, the scans are the works of
the owners or scanners of the books and, as such, are copyrighted. The owners of the books give permission for you to download and use
these file for educational and personal use.
You are free to copy and distribute the scans, as electronic or hard copies, free of charge and to make derivative works under the
following conditions:
You must attribute the borrowed elements to the original title and author of the publication
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of these works
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get written permission from the copyright holder (the current owner of the original book)
You do not have permission to sell these copies in any format. You may give copies away, you may not sell them.
There is more information on the library at The Antique Pattern Library forum at groups.io. We use this forum to email newsletters
when we add new books to the library, to post information about donating book scans, website space, or time to the project, and to
help organize volunteers.
Click here to go to the forum at Groups.io
How You Can Help
Cash donations are always welcome, they pay for our website hosting and other library costs.
If you have a book you would like to scan for the library, please see these guidelines (follow the link below).
We are always looking for old craft books! We also need volunteers to do graphics editing and to help proofread
our catalog listings. Please see the User Forum link below to find out where to volunteer. Thank you!
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