Modern Handcraft, Inc. (publ.)
The Workbasket
Home and Needlecraft for Pleasure and Profit
Modern Handcraft, 2401 Burlington, Kansas City 16, Missouri
Flowers that Bloom All Year. Pattern for crocheted gloxinias (including directions for petals, stamens, leaves and calix) using 6-strand embroidery floss stiffened with wire.
Medallion and Edging Trim. Crochet pattern suggested for use in various way, including guest towel/pillowcase trim, collar or jabot.
Women's Crochet Slippers "Gay Informals". Closed-toe floral crocheted slippers. Unusual for 4 crocheted heel lifts inserted into each crocheted heel.
"Out of a Dream" Dressing Table Set. Crocheted, joined floral and filet squares. Larger rectangular orsmaller square doily is comprised of 13 flower and 12 filet or 5 flower and 4 filet squares, respectively.
Half Collar. Irish crocheted flower spray. Single spray of pieced flower and leaf motif: suggested use as appliqué for suit or dress. If two pieces are made (second arrangement pieced in reverse), may be tacked onto bias binding for a neck band.
Star Trim. Crocheted 5-star motif for appliqué.
Hexagon Whatnot Doily. Tatted doily in cotton. Directions note that all tatting is done on the ball thread only.
Fascinator. Knitted lacy scarf for head and or neck. Crocheted edge. Estimated 38" long by 14" wide if using fingering yarn and size 8 needles.
Infant's Knitted Mittens. Uses baby yarn and size 1 and 2 needles.
Knitted Novelty Lapel Pin. Miniature cap with pompom adorned with miniature hanging mittens. Shown attached to pin backing.
From the collection of Sarah Dalton, scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma. Published with kind permission of F+W Media, the current copyright holder.
Crochet Irish crochet Knitting Tatting Slipper SD