Plate 17

H-RM004 Musterbuch Venetianischer Nadelarbeiten 1558

H-RM004 Musterbuch Venetianischer Nadelarbeiten 1558  PDF 


Musterbuch Venetianischer Nadelarbeiten 1558

Bellezze de Ricami, et Dessegni, Opera Nova, nella quale si ritrovano, Varie, & diverse sorti di mostre, di punti tagliati, et punti in aiere, a fogliami, punti in stuora, et altre sorte, come nella presente vedrai. Dove le belle, et virtuose donne potrano fare ogni sorte de lavori sopra Colari, Manegheti, & sopra tutte quelle cose, dove vanno susiml lavori. Opera non men belle, che utile, & neccssaria. Et non piu veduta in luce. In Venetia, L'Anno MDLVIII

Berlin, Verlag von Ernst Wasmuth, 1891

A facsimile reprint of De Recami Et Dessegni Opera Nova, a Venetian lace design modelbook from 1558. The German prologue mentions 38 pages of patterns, but there are only 37. We compared the photographs to another copy in the Royal Library in the Hague, and that one had exactly the same 37 pages. A facsimile reprint of De Recami Et Dessegni Opera Nova, a Venetian lace design modelbook from 1558. The German prologue mentions 38 pages of patterns, but there are only 37. We compared the photographs to another copy in the Royal Library in the Hague, and that one had exactly the same 37 pages. Mostly venetian lace, one charted filet/crosss-stitch page.

Photographed and published by permission of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Edited by Sytske Wijnsma.







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