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F-WM215 La Mode Illustree

F-WM215 La Mode Illustree 6 February 1870  PDF 


La Mode Illustree

No. 6 (avec patrons). Dimanche 6 fevrier 1870

M.M. Firmin Didot frères, fils et C., Paris

8 pages, page 4 and 5 forming a single central plate, but here shown separately. French fashion magazine appearing weekly. This is the eleventh year, no. 6. The pattern sheet was either not included or is missing. Princing varies depending on inclusion of pattern sheet and/or colored engravings. This issue shows an Irish crochet collar, several jackets, and the fashion plates.

Scans donated by Peter Ketels, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.




Irish crochet


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