D-YS222 - Album no. 318

Le souvenir a des mains pleines de fleurs, et les yeux de rayons. Il est dans nos maux et nos peines Le seul ami que nous ayons. (M. Monnier)

D-YS222 Album no. 318   DETAIL PAGE  

Klein, Catherina (illustrator)

Album no. 318

Netherlands W. de Haan, Utrecht

Album with flower drawings and poems about flowers and the seasons.

Scanned and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.





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Le souvenir a des mains pleines de fleurs, et les yeux de rayons. Il est dans nos maux et nos peines Le seul ami que nous ayons. (M. Monnier)

Memory has its hands full of flowers, and sunrays in its eyes It is the only friend we have for our aches and our pains (M.Monnier) The year which runs away is followed by another one who also dies. Another step of time! Another limit reached in life. Another dark winter thrown on our springs! (Victor Hugo)

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