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P-YS002 Cours de Broderie a la main sur Métier

P-YS002 Marguerite Lespagne - Cours de Broderie  PDF 


Lespagne, Marguerite

Cours de Broderie a la main sur Métier

Avec Programme des Cours, A l'usage des Écoles primaires de jeune filles de la Gironde

France 1931, (no publisher name), 94, Cours de la Martinique, Bordeaux.

Small booklet teaching how to do hand embroidery using an embroidery frame. Intended for middle school girls in the Gironde department. 8th Edition, 1931. Introduction says 1907. Includes how to fix the fabric on the frame and how to hold the needle. Mostly monogram embroidery, in broderie Anglaise, letters ending in sharp points, interlaced letters, decorated letters, and how to embroider letters consisting of dots. Since it's meant for young girls below high school age, this is about basic techniques.

Donated, scanned and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.





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