Modern Handcraft, Inc. (publ.)
The Workbasket
Home and Needlecraft for Pleasure and Profit
Modern Handcraft, 2401 Burlington, Kansas City 16, Missouri
Cover shows baby booties. Knitting: baby bootees (three variations), Dutch hat. Tatting: Round Scallop edge. Crochet: five crocheted edgings. Filet crochet: Rose Scarf. Aunt Ellen's Club Notes, with an article about samplers. More knitting: Knitted Shopping Bag with embroidered flowers outside the knitted pocket. More crochet: Hot Dish Mat Set "Three-In-One". Infants' Knitted Bib with a knitted and crocheted edging. Crocheted Tray shaped with starch, and with sewn-on handles.
Stapled softcover, 16 pages, entirely monochrome, 5.25 x 7.75 inch.
Original scan size plm. 2100 x 3100 pixels at 400dpi.
From the collection of Sarah Dalton, scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma. Published with kind permission of F+W Media, the current copyright holder.
Knitting Crochet Filet crochet Tatting SD