Fischbach, F.
Der Damenwelt Gewidmet von der Zwirnerei & Nähfadenfabrik Göggingen
1888 36
F. Fischbach
Small cardboard card, part of an incomplete collection. On one side a pattern chart with an alphabet in dark red, a large floral motif in bright red and a small motif in dark blue. On the other side Wise Proverbs. The first says that if you walk barefeet, you won't feel bothered by lack of shoes when you see someone else lacking both feet. Second says that if you are happy with the entire world but most happy with yourself, that is the best fate that could befall you and I wish it for you and myself. The third says that for a possession to make you happy, you have to have won it yourself, and that for joy is to be felt fully, first your suffering has to be defeated.
Scans donated, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.
Alphabet Charted Cross-stitch Embroidery SW