Aglaia (publ.)
Dog on a cushion
1849 No. 1 Bijzondere uitgave van het tijdschrift Aglaja; uitgevoerd door Sajou te Parijs
King Charles spaniel sitting on a red cushion with two golden yellow tassels. The image is probably inspired by another pattern that was based on a painting by Landseer that depicted pets of Queen Victoria. The dog lying on a small footstool is Dash, a dog that she got while still a princess. The other pattern isolated Dash on the footstool without showing the other pets. Cue an avalanche of spaniel embroidery patterns, most on a cushion, but without the blue ribbon and bows that were shown on the painting.
Single sheet, handpainted Berlin woolwork pattern. Pattern size 110x98, grid size 120x110.
Scanned A110 as png, 96dpi, original size 2434x1794px
From the collection of Marleen van Horssen, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.
Embroidery Charted Tapestry Cross-stitch Dog MH