W.L.M. Clark, Inc. (publ.)
Grandmother Clark's Patchwork Quilt Designs
Large Illustrations Book No. 20
W.L.M. Clark, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
16 pages stapled softcover. Contains 30 quilting designs with the patterns for the patchwork pieces. 1. Small Double Wedding Ring, 2. Double Wedding Ring, 3. Fancy Star, 4. Fancy Flowers, t. Pot of Flowers, 6. Texas Star, 7. Star with Diamonds, 8. Eight-Pointed Star, 9. Pinwheel, 10. Basket, 11. Reverse X, 12. Evening Star, 13. Windmill, 14. Swastika, 15. Maple Leaf, 16. Double Hour Glass, 17. Ornate Star, 18. Jack's Blocks, 19. Eccentric Star, 20. Mosaic, 21. Sea Shells, 22. Dad's Bow Tie, 23. Grandmother's Fan, 24. Sun Flower, 25. Cushion Design, 26. Grecian Star, 27. Cogwheel, 28. Flywheel, 29. Orange Peel, 30. Circle Design. Last page shows nine ways to set quilt blocks together.
Scans donated and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
Quilting SW