Richardson Silk Company - Richardson’s Crocheted Edgings and Insertions

Scans donated by Debra Carr

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This book was donated by Debra Carr.
Thank you Debra Carr, for donating this interesting book.

Book No. 3
Price 10cts.

Richardson Silk Company
Chicago and New York
Richardson’s Book
Crocheted Edgings
and Insertions
for the beginner and also the experienced crocheter
Copyrighted 1916

Abbreviations of Crochet Stitches

No. 1, Chain Stitch, ch st: make a loop on hook, pull another loop through it, forming 1 ch st, repeat for length required.

No. 2, Slip Stitch, sl st: make a ch, skip 1 st, insert hook into ch st, thread over hook, draw through ch st and loop together.

No. 3, Single Crochet, s c: make a ch, skip 1 st, insert hook into next st, thread over hook and through ch st, forming two loops on hook, thread over hook, through both loops.

No. 4, Double Crochet, d. c: make a ch, thread over hook, skip 3 st, insert hook into next st, draw thread through ch, thread over hook, through 2 loops, thread over hook, through 2 loops.

No. 5, Treble Crochet, t.c: make a ch, thread over hook twice, skip 4 sts, insert hook into next st, draw thread through ch, thread over hook, through 2 loops, thread over hook, through 2 loops, thread over hook, throug 2 loops.

No. 6, Double Treble Crochet, d t c: make a ch, thread over hook 3 times, skip 5 sts, insert hook into next st, continue as for t c.

No. 7, Treble, Treble Crochet,t t c: make a ch, thread over hook 4 times, skip 6 sts, insert hook into the next st, continue as for t c.

No. 8, Space, sp: make a ch, thread over hook, skip 7 sts for turn, insert hook into next st, * l d e, 2 chsts, skip 2 sts, from * forms 1 sp. For filet crochet, to count ch sts, to start allow 3 sts for each sp, 5 sts to turn. Thus 52 sps, require 161 ch sts.

No. 9, Group, gr: make a ch, 1 d c into 4th ch st, 1 d c into each of next 2 sts, forms 1 gr at turn of row, otherwise 4 d c into 4 sts, form 1 gr. Where 2 or more grs. join, 3 d c form each gr after first. For 2 grs, 7 d c, for 3 grs, 10 d c.

No. 10, Picot, p: make 4 ch sts, insert hook into 4th ch st from hook, thread over hook, draw through both loops, forming 1 p.

No. 11, Loop, L: make a ch, 1 s c into 7th st, * 5 ch sts skip 2 sts, 1 s c from * form 1 L.

No. 12, Triangle, tri: make a ch, stkip 5 sts, * 1 d c, 3 ch sts, 1 d c in same st, from * forms 1 tri.

No. 13, Cluster, cl: make ch, skip 3 sts, start a d c, drqw thread through 2 sts, * thread over hook, insert hook into same st, thread over hook, draw through 2 sts, repeat * having 4 loops on hook, thread over hook, draw through all 4 loops, 1 ch st, to fasten cl. When longer cl is required make of t c instead of d c.

No. 14, Cross Treble, c t: make ch, skip 5 ch sts, * thread twice over hook, insert hook into ch st, draw thread through, thread over hook, through 2 loops, thread over hook, skip 1 ch st, insert hook draw thread through, thread over hook, through 2 loops, thread over hook through 2 loops, 1 d c, 1 ch st, insert hook into 2 sts at joining of 2 lower sections, make 1 d c, from * froms 1 c t.

No. 15, Knot Stitch, kn: make ch, * draw loop on hook out to 1/4 of an inch, thread over hook, draw through loop, insert hook back through 1 long loop, thread through, making 2 loops on hook, thread over through both. Repeat *, skip 3 ch sts, 1 s c, repeat for length required.
Next row, make 2 knots 1 s c into 2nd kn of 1st row, 1 s c, next to this st, catching 2 threads of long loop, 1 kn.

No. 16, Lacet, La: make a ch, skip 5 sts, * 1 d c, 3 ch sts, skip 2 sts, 1 s c, 3 ch sts, skip 2 sts, from * forms 1 La.
On next row, 1 d c over d , 5 ch sts, over La, forms 1 sp.

No. 17, Fan, f: make 5 ch sts, 3 t c, 2 ch sts, 3 t c, all over 4th ch st, forms 1 f. Small fan of d c, large fan of d t c.

No. 18, Scallop, sc: make ch, then row of sps, * 1 s c over 1st sp, ** 1 d t c, into next sp, 1 p, repeat ** for 9 d t c, repeat *.

No. 19, Block Stitch, bl: make ch, * skip 5 sts, 2 t c form a cl, 5 ch sts, 2 t c, form cl, 3 ch sts, repeat * for row, 12 ch sts, turn, catch into connection st of 2 cls, 2 t c into 6th ch st, continue. 2 rows form 1 bl.

Left Middle Right
No.8, No.6, No.10,
No.9, No.7, No.4,
No.5. No.1, No.11.
For instructions and directions see page No. 5.
Crocheted Edges and Insertions
Materials: Richardson’s R.M.C. Cordonnet Special Nos. 30, 40, and 50.

No. 1: Chain 17 sts, turn, in 5th from the hook make (d c 2 ch, d c), skip 4 sts, * (d c, 2 ch, d c, 2 ch, d c, 2 ch, d c) in next, skip 4 and repeat from *.
Second Row: Ch 3, turn, in center 2 ch of each of shells make another shell, ch 5, turn.
Third Row: Shell in first chell, ch 9, catch back in 6th from hook to form ring, 5 d c in ring, sl st in center of shell beneath, 5 d c in ring, shell in each of next 2 shells.
Fourth Row: Ch 3, 2 shells in first 2 shells, sl st in last d c of shell beneath, 10 more d c in ring and sl st in first d c of next shell, shell in shell, 10 t c in 5 ch with 1 ch between, turn and 5 ch with sl st between each 2 t c. Repeat from first, having 2 rows of shell between solid rings. (See illustration).

No. 2, First Row: Fasten in p of braid, shell of 4 d c with 2 ch between in next p, sl st in next p and repeat.
Second Row: In each 2 ch make (s c, 3 half-doubles, s c) and sl st in d c between chains.
Third Row: In center st of center of first shell make another shell and t c in sl st between shells.
Fourth Row: Same as the second.
Repeat until lace is desired width.

No. 3. This can be made on a novelty braid for the foundation, or with a foundation chain.
First Row: Fasten in p of braid, ch t, and sl st in each p for desired length of lace.
Second Row: * In each ch make shell of 9 d c, sl st in 3rd st of next 5 ch, (ch 5, sl st in next 5 ch) 3 times, and repeat from *.
Third Row: Five ch fastened with sl st in each 5 ch and 5 ch over shell fastened in 3rd and 6th d c. (See illustration).
Repeat the last 2 rows until lace is desired width.

No. 4, First Row: Three ch and sl st in each p of braid.
Second Row: Four d c in 4 sts, ch 5, 9 s c in next 9 sts, ch 5, skip 4, 4 d c in next 4, and repeat.
Third Row: Each side of 4 d c make 3 d c with 3 ch between, 9 s c with 5 ch before and after.
In following rows, decrease number of s c by 1 each row until 3 are left (5 rows more). In next row make t c in center of 3 s c and in next row make 3 d c over the t c. (See illustration.) For edge make p over each d c with 3 ch between.

No. 5: Ch 5, in 4th from hook make shell of 4 d c with 2 ch between, joint to p of braid by sl st, turn, in each 2 ch make * (s c, 3 half doubles, s c) and sl st in d c between, join to braid on other side, join to next p, ch 1, shell in center of first shell, join to 2 p, repeat from *.
No. 6. Make a strip of hairpin lace on a one-inch staple.
Fasten thread in 3 loops of lace and make one row of double knot stitch fastnening each time in 3 loops of lace.
For next row make 5 long t c with 2 ch between in one knot, fasten by sl st in next knot. For edge make 5 ch with sl st in each 2 ch. For upper edge ch 4 sts and fasten by sl st in 3 loops of lace

No. 7. Make the upper part in filet as seen in illustration.
First Row: Ch 19, beginning in 6th from hook make 13 d c, 2 ch, skip 2, d c. 2 ch, d c in same place, ch 3, turn.
Second Row: Six d c in each 3 ch, 1 open space, 1 square, 4 open spaces.
Third Row: Ch 6, 4 open spaces, 1 square, 1 open space, (d c, 3 ch, d c) in first d c of shell, ch 1, (d c, 3 ch, d c) in 3 ch. See illustration for succeeding rows.

No. 8. Begin with a row of open spaces.
Follow the pattern for 9 rows, ch 33, turn, 9 open spaces on ch and continue pattern. In the 12th row at upper edge narraw a sq. by making t c diagonally across last open space, and for next row ch 4, d c over second d c. Repeat for desired length. Finish lower edge with shells and upper edge with d c with 2 ch between.

No. 9. Fasten in point of braid, ch 2, d c in side of point leaving 2 sts on hook, d c in side of next point drawing thread through last 3 sts together, ch 2, sl st in next point and repeat.
Make a row of cross-trebles fastening in sl st at point, and in center of combination d c, 3 ch at outer edge of cross-treble. For edge make 3 s c in each 3 ch and 1 s c between cross-trebles.

No. 10. On each side of braid make row of cross-trebles thus: ch 4, over twice, take st in p of next medallion, work sts off 2 at a time, ch 3, d c at crossing of treble. (See illustration.)
In each 3 ch at edge make a shell of (s c, 3 half-doubles, s c).

No. 11. S c in cord, ch 2, sl st in middle p of medallion of braid ch 2, s c in cord, and repeat.

No. 12. Ch 21, 5 open spaces on ch, ch 8, turn, 4 spaces over first 4 spaces leaving one space uncovered, * ch 3, 2 d c in each 2 ch and d c between spaces and 3 d c in first 3 sts of 8 ch (15 d c in all) ch 8, turn, 4 open spaces leaving 3 d c at end uncovered, and repeat from * for desired length.
After last thick row of 15 d c continue with 10 d c in last 8 ch to form shell at the edge, sl st in 15th d c of previous row, 10 d c in next 8 ch and repeat across lower edge.
Fasten thread in first open space at upper edge, ch 4 d c between 1st and 2nd rows, ch 2, sl st in next point and repeat. For last row make d c with 2 ch between across edge. (See illustration.)

Wild Rose Insertion
Wild Rose Lace
Pillow Case Scallop
Pillow Case Scallop

1 4
2 5
3 6

1 4
2 5
3 6

1 3
2 4
(The bottom piece of crochet has no number.)

Corner for Tea Napkin

Materials: Three Spools of Richardson’s R.M.C. Cordonnet No. 60 for 6 napkins. Make 98 ch sts
1st Row: 31 sps. On the 16th row drop 8 sp, on the 24th row drop 8 sp. For the edge, make * 8 s c, into the linen, 1 p, repeat *.

Filet Insertion

Materials: Richardson’s R.M.C. Cordonnet No. 30. Make 44 ch sts. 1st Row: 13 sps. Follow design of grs, and sps for the length required. This pattern is used for towels, sheets and pillow cases.



ART 35
The Right White
Made in sizes, 3, 5, 8, 12
10 Cents a Ball, Everywhere.

Do Your Crocheting with the Following Threads and Floss
The numbers listed below give the best results in making designs
shown in this book, and for all classes of general embroidery


Crochet Cottons

R.M.C. ART. 65. CORDONNET CROCHET COTTON. For all Crochet, Tatting and Filet work.

R.M.C. ART. 33 TAT-IT COTTON. For white or colored tatting or crochet work.

R.M.C. ART. 35 PERLE BALL COTTON. Made in white only, four sizes, 3-5-8-12; for Crocheting Slippers, Edgings, etc.

R.M.C. ART. 15B PERLE COTTON. Large dividable hanks, same thread as R.M.C. Art 35, used for the same purposes.

R.M.C. ART. 36 SIX-STRAND. White Ball Cotton for fine embroidery work.

Embroidery Cottons

R.M.C. ART. 98 ARABIA AND ROPE EMBROIDERY COTTON. For all general embroidery purposes.

R.M.C. ART. 99 NEW PROCESS EMBROIDERY COTTON. Made in white only, six sizes, A. to F. For French and Eyelet embroidery.

R.M.C. ART. 99B BRODER COTTON. Made in white only, eight sizes, 8 to 40. For fine French and Eyelet embroidery.

R.M.C. ART. 15 PERLE SKEIN COTTON. For general embroidery purposes.

R.M.C. ART. 20 EYELETTA 4-STRAND EMBROIDERY COTTON. Put up on balls, in white and colors.

R.M.C. ART. 37 SIX-STRAND. White Skein Cotton for fine embroidery work.

Manufactured in the U.S.A. by
Richardson Silk Company
New York Chicago
Makers of Richardson’s PURE SILK FLOSS and Richardson’s SPOOL SEWING SILK
Pure Silk Products

Richardson’s Spool Silks
Color number on each spool
RICHARDSON’S PURE SILK FOR SEWING is a much better thread for the same price. All the newest shades of the season.
At All Dealers

Richardson’s Embroidery Silks
GRECIAN FLOSS - For Pillows and General Embroidery
FILO FLOSS - For Colored Embroidery on White.
ROPE SILK - Heavy Thread for Couching.
WASH TWIST - For General Embroidery.
SICILIAN FLOSS - For Edges, Buttonholing, etc.
MT.MELLICK - For Mt. Mellick.
At All Dealers

Crochet and Tatting Silks
Guaranteed Fast Colors
Made in All Shades
"PERFECT" - 1/2 oz. on a ball.
"OUR ART" - 1/4 oz. on a ball.
TATTING - 100 yds. on a ball.
At All Dealers

Do your Embroidering, Sewing, Crocheting and
Mending with the following Pure Silk Threads


RICHARDSON’S 100 YARD SPOOL SILK for hand or machine sewing.
All the newest shades of the season.

RICHARDSON’S 50 YARD SPOOL SILK for hand or machine sewing.
All the newest shades of the season.

RICHARDSON’S 10 YARD BUTTONHOLE TWIST for buttonholing, etc.,
made in the same shades as 100 yards and 50 yards.

GRECIAN SILK FLOSS for colored embroidery on pillows, centers, etc.
Beautiful nature shades.
RICHARDSON’S FILO SILK FLOSS for fine embroidery on white goods.
Beautiful nature shades.

RICHARDSON’S PERFECT CROCHET SILK for silk crochet work of all kinds.
One-half ounce of silk on a ball.

RICHARDSON’S OUR ART CROCHET SILK for silk crochet work of all kinds.
One-fourth ounce on a ball.

RICHARDSON’S TATTING SILK for silk tatting or crochet work.
100 yards on a ball.
Manufactured in the U.S.A. by
Richardson Silk Company
New York Chicago
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