a project of New Media Arts, Inc., a tax exempt
non-profit EIN 27-2500171
This is the complete list, to date, of the books, magazines and articles we have scanned and uploaded into the library. These books have patterns for crochet, knitting, tatting, embroidery, needle lace and other kinds of needlework. |
The scans are in the form of PDF files – to download them, click on the link to the left of the catalog entry. You will need Adobe
Reader 9.0 or later to open the files. If you are using an older version
of the reader, or another pdf reader, you may get a false error message,
asking you for a password to open the files. The reader is free: http://get.adobe.com/reader/ . Be sure to download the right reader for your operating system. After you download it, you must install it; it does not install automatically. If you like to open files within your browser, then you may need to reconfigure your browser to use the correct version of the reader. |
The publications are listed alphabetically by author, then title, using MLA Handbook guidelines where practical. If you are looking for a particular kind of pattern or book, such as tatting, or Priscilla Publications, or Irish Crochet or knitting, you can search the list by clicking on “Edit” in most browsers, then clicking on “Find” or “Search” and typing in the keyword you want. |
More information about using the files, and about the Antique Pattern Library: HOME If you have a book you would like to scan for the library (THANK YOU), please see these scanning guidelines. |
Album 383. Germany, c. 1900, 6 pgs.
Scans donated by Digital Archive, photo edited Judith Adele 2006. Colored
charts for floral sprays and corners, suitable for cross-stitch or beading. |
American Lady, An. Winter
Gift for Ladies, being Instructions in Knitting, Netting and Crotchet Work,
Containing the Newest and Most Fashionable Patterns, revised and enlarged by
an American lady. Philadelphia: G.B. Zeiber & Co., 1848, 65 pgs.
Scans donated by Judith Adele, photo edited Luann Pfost 2007. One of the
oldest American booklets with crochet patterns - interesting insights on
clothing and color tastes of the 1840's. |
American Red Cross. Knitting
patterns. Washington, D.C., American National Red Cross [1939-1945].
Donated by American Red Cross, Susan Robbins Watson, Archivist, Hazel Braugh
Records Center and Archives, photo edited Judith Adele 2007. War relief
knitting patterns for walking cast toe sock, adult and child sweaters, cap
for bandaged head, simple afghan, gloves, muffler, socks. |
Antoinette, Marie. How
to Crochet Beautiful Cluny Laces, Book No. 04. St. Louis, Mo., E.C.
Spuehler, [c.1915], 15 pgs. Scans donated by Diane Spinelli, photoedited
Judith Adele 2007. Lavish laces for piano and library scarves, collars,
pillows, doilies, lingerie. |
Antoinette, Marie. How
to Crochet Cluny Laces, A Manual of Practical Instructions In Making Laces
for Library Scarfs, Piano Scarfs, Centerpieces, Yokes, Auto and Boudoir Caps,
Bed-Spreads, Curtains, Door-Panels, Medallions, Insertions, Doilies,
Cushions, etc., Book No. 5A. Chicago: Novelty Art Studios, 1915, 13 pgs.
Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Crocheted laces to imitate a French
bobbin lace that typically has leaf or petal shapes connected by bars. Marie
Antoinette later published under the name Hees. |
Arte e Diletto. Milano, Giovinezza, 1914, 15 pages. Scanned
by Dindi Gelfi, photo edited by Judith Adele 2008. Art deco cross stitch
charts of stylized floral borders and corners, alphabets and a wonderful
steamship. |
Emilie. New Patterns in Old Style, First Part. Alsace, Th. de Dillmont, [c.1890,
42 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Crochet and knitting patterns, Venetian, Flat stitch, Persian, cross stitch,
and appliqué embroidery, rug making, needle lace, macramé. |
Emilie. New Patterns in Old Style, Second Part. Alsace, Th. de Dillmont, [c.1890],
48 pgs. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Raised lace, appliqué, reticella, gobelin, crochet, cut knotted stitching,
Holbein and Viennese cross stitch, tapestry and madeira work, Spanish and
gold embroidery. |
Baer, Mrs. R.H., et
al. Some Simple and Pretty Trimmings, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 8, Apr
1916. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR
edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Easy crocheted edgings, including an early
“Mile-a-Minute” pattern. |
Barsaloux, Elsa
etal. Priscilla Sweater Book Including
Hats, Caps, and other accessories with Directions for Working. Boston,
Priscilla Publishing, 1917, 48 pgs. Scans
donated by Karen Ann Lenard 2009.
Basic knitting and crocheting instructions,
and a wide variety of patterns for sweaters and accessories, some for full
figures, many of which are surprisingly modern. Also baby and children and men's patterns.
The hats are fabulous. |
Batt, Georgette. Priscilla
Yoke Book. Boston: Priscilla Publishing, 1916, 40 pgs + foldout charts.
Scans donated by Gail Owens, photo edited Judith Adele 2006. Crocheted and
tatted patterns for lingerie yokes, including Maltese (hairpin) crochet and
filet charts. |
BeehiveWoolcraft1.pdf |
Beehive Knitting
Booklets No. 9 Woolcraft, A Practical Guide to Knitting & Crochet, New
and Enlarged Edition, Reliable Instructions on the Use of Knitting Wools in
the production by hand of Serviceable Garments for Every-day Wear. Halifax,
England, Patons & Baldwins Ltd., [c.1915], 64pgs. Scans donated and photo
edited by Enfys 2007. Knitting and crochet instructions, hook sizing graph,
patterns for babies, hats, shawls, vests, mittens, gloves, stockings,
blankets and a fabulous tea cozy. |
Beehive Shawls. [c.1950.] Scans donated by
Jeannette S. Harris, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Traditional knit
shawl patterns. |
BeetonNeedlework1-184.pdf |
Beeton, Isabella. Beeton’s
Book of Needlework Consisting of Descriptions and Instructions, Illustrated
by Six Hundred Engravings, of Tatting Patterns, Crochet Patterns, Knitting
Patterns, Netting Patterns, Embroidery Patterns, Point Lace Patterns, Guipure
D’Art, Berlin Work, Monograms, Initials and Names, Pillow Lace, and Lace
Stitches. London: Ward, Lock and Tyler, 1870, 592 pgs. Project Gutenberg
e-book, converted to pdf format Judith Adele 2006. An enormous and wonderful
book, essential for understanding late Victorian needlework. |
Bros. & Co. Revised Needle and
Hook: Instructions in Silk Embroidery, Knitting and Crocheting, Illustrated with
cuts, half tones and color plates. New York, 1902, 60 pgs., Scans donated
and edited by Luann Pfost 2009.
Exquisite silk floral embroidery patterns, plates, illustrations and
instructions. |
Bros. & Co. The Self-Instructor in
Silk Knitting, Crocheting and Embroidery.
New York, 1886, 80 pgs. Scans donated and edited by Luann Pfost 2009.
Silk knitting, crocheting, embroidery instructions and patterns for women's,
men's and baby clothing, household items and many bags and purses. |
Best, Vera. Italian
Lace, Needlecraft Vol. XI, No. 1, Sep 1919. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft
Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Lovely
Cluny crocheted border. |
Betsworth, Ettie. A
Dainty Collar, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 8, Apr 1916. Augusta, Maine:
Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Delicate
tatted wheel motifs. |
Beyer's Handwerkboeken Serie
H. 40, Frivolité met Afbeeldingen.
Amsterdam, G. van Wees & Weiss, [c.1920], 38 pgs. Scans donated by Sytske
Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Tatting instructions and patterns
for borders, insertions, flowers, baby cap and booties, collars, doilies,
bags, jabots. |
Bodwell, Addie May. A
Handsome Centerpiece With Crocheted Border, Needlecraft Vol. VIII No. 12, Aug
1917. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR
edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Medallion and scalloped edging for a large
embroidered centerpiece. |
Boucherit, Eduard,
ed., Grand Album de Modelès pour Filet
No. 3, 139 Dessins Variés. Paris, É. Boucherit, [c.1908], [missing pages
4,8,43]. Scanned and photo edited by Yvonne deVries
2007. Filet charts for crochet, beading, embroidery on net, etc.. Formal and floral designs, birds, mythical creatures,
church motifs, Japanese inspired scenes, in edgings, large squares for
centerpieces. |
& Armstrong. The Last and Best Book
on Art Needlework. New London, Conn. [c.1895] 118 pgs. Scanned and photo
edited by Luann Pfost 2009. Huge collection of embroidery, crochet and
knitting patterns for silk threads and yarns, including descriptions of the
thread itself, hundreds of stitches and types of needlework, and beautiful
illustrations. Socks, mittens, motifs, chains, edgings, bags, ties, bags,
belts, tassels, fan, slippers, lamp shade, garter, suspenders, embroidered
flowers. |
Brown, Anna Wuerfel.
The New Filet Crochet Book: Original
Designs Which May Be Used Also For Cross-Stitch and Beadwork, With Patterns
Represented in a New Way by Hugo W. Kirchmaier. Toledo, Ohio, Cora
Kirchmaier, 1912, 37 pages. Scans
donated by Debra Carr, photoedited by Judith Adele, 2010-10. Filet edgings
and insertions with instructions - formal and floral designs, an unusual
seafood table linen pattern with lobsters and crabs, butterfly and bee
insertions, birds, animals, alphabets, japanese motifs. |
Brown, Anna Wuerful.
The A.W.B. Crochet Book No. 1, Beautiful new designs published for the first
time in Irish Crochet, filet worked in colors, and Venetian or Macramé
Crochet with correct position of hands, and needle, stitches and lessons,
fully illustrated. Toledo, Ohio: Anna Wuerful Brown, 1913, 33 pgs. Scans
donated by Cheri, photo edited Judith Adele 2006. Unusual patterns for
motifs, crocheted braid and medallions (many butterflies) with illustrations
for collars and cuffs, jabots, bags, candle shade, yoke, edgings and
insertions. |
Brown, Nellie Clark.
How to Make Battenberg and Point Lace. Boston: Priscilla Publishing,
1900, 43 pgs. Scans donated by Digital Archive, reedited Judith Adele 2006. Clear
and complete instructions for making many needle lace stitches to be used on
their own or with braids or netting; washing instructions for the completed
laces. |
Butterick Publishing Co. Uses of Crepe and Tissue Paper. New York,
Metropolitan Pamphlet Series, Vol 8 No 1, March 1895. 93 pages plus
ads. Scans donated by Hope Wright, 2008. Instructions for making
flowers, gifts, home décor, and paper dolls with crepe dresses. |
Carter, W. Royal
Crochet Worker, No. 1. London: Carliles, Pittman & Co., [c.1860],
p1-16. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Victorian lace edgings, collars
and cuffs, filet crochet table linens. |
Carter, W. Royal
Crochet Worker, No. 2. London: J.T. Wood, [c. 1860], p 17-32. Scans donated
by Judith Adele 2006. Continuation of book No. 1: Doilies and more filet
designs. |
Carter, W. Royal
Crochet Worker, No. 6. London: J.T. Wood, [c. 1860], p 81-96. Scans
donated by Enfys 2006. We’re still looking for Nos. 3 through 5! More
crocheted edgings, collars and cuffs. |
Cartier-Bresson. Monogrammes:
Album Contenant des Modles D’Alphabets Classiques & Modernes pour le
Lingerie et le Linge de Maison. Paris, Cartier-Bresson [c.1915, 34
pages]. Scans donated by Dindi Gelfi, photo edited by Judith Adele 2008.
Cross stitch and other embroidery charts for traditional and art deco
alphabets. |
A La Croix. Lille, Thiriez & Cartier-Bresson,
[c. 1920]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele
2010. Cross stitch chart - alphabets and a songbird. |
Clark, Winifred. Bungalow
Crochet Book, New Crochet Designs in Bungalow Aprons, Household Linens, etc.
with complete instructions. "Winifred" Series Book No. 4. St.
Louis, Mo., W.L.M. Clark, 15 pgs. Scans donated by Diane Spinelli, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2007. Charming aprons, boudoir caps,
curtains, pillows, rag rug, doilies, napkin rings, and a "Monkey Face
Portier". |
Clark,Winifred. Vol. No.
2: Crochet Yokes, Boudoir Caps, and Boudoir Novelties, also new ideas for
Maltese Crochet with instructions. St. Louis, M., W.L.M. Clark, 1915,
24pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Delicate lacet, filet, Torchon, Cluny , hairpin
lace, and other crochet stitches for negligees, boudoir caps, and bedroom
table items. |
& Clarks. Daffodil. New York,
[c. 1945] 4 pgs. Scans donated by KR Ritchie 2009. Crocheted filet lacet and
block daffodil doily. |
Coin et motif pour nappe et
tapis de table Richelieu á barettes. [Paris?] Scans donated by
Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Single sheet of
battenberg/richelieu type tracing patterns for a floral tablecloth. |
Collection JS. La
Tapisserie au Point de Croix. Paris, [c. 1900, 4 plates + ads, most pages
missing]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited Judith Adele 2007.
Dazzling stylized tapestry or cross stitch designs - charts for cushion, bag,
chair back. |
Comfort. Centerpieces
and Other New Designs. Comfort Vol.37 No. 4 [Feb 1925]. Augusta, Maine:
W.H. Gannett, p8. Scan donated by On-Line Digital Archive, photo edited
Judith Adele 2006. Crocheted and tatted edgings, borders, doily.
Cordet, Adeline. Crocheted
Edgings and Insertions, Book No. Two. St. Louis, Missouri: Valley Supply
Co., 1912, 15 pgs. Scans donated by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Classic and
beautiful edgings, medallions, squares and camisole yokes, including spider
and filet patterns. |
Cordet, Adeline. Edgings
in Crochet With Complete Instructions, Book No. Four, 50 Designs For All
Purposes. St. Louis, Missouri: Valley Supply Co., 1916, 15 pgs. Scans donated
by Cheri, photo edited Judith Adele 2006. More classic edgings, insertions,
medallions, squares, doilies, and fringes, including spider patterns and a
wonderful grape border. |
Cordet, Adeline. Filet Creations in Yokes and Gifts,
Illustrated with instructions, Book No. 14. St. Louis, Missouri, Valley
Supply Co., 1921, 15 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith
Adele, 2010-10. Yokes, edgings and bedroom caps, baby caps, tray cloth,
monograms, cluny lace doilies. The filet patterns
include a large butterfly, a peacock and patterns for Elk Lodge, Modern
Woodmen of America, Shriners. |
Corticelli [01] Lessons
in Crochet, Also a Few New Designs for Knitting, Book No. 1. Florence,
Mass.: Corticelli Silk Mills, 1916, 48 pgs. Scans donated and photo edited by
Judith Adele 2006. Crochet stitch guide, patterns for crocheted laces, Irish
Crochet motifs (butterflies), slippers, bags, a gentleman’s scarf, boudoir
caps, crocheted lace baskets, coasters, knit and crocheted ladies’ scarves,
sweaters, dressing jackets, hats, shawls, child’s sweater. |
Corticelli [02] Lessons
in Crochet Book No. 2. Florence, Mass.: Corticelli Silk Mills, 1917, 64
pgs, missing pgs 25,26,39,40. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Patterns
for crocheted vanity box, slippers, yokes, hat trim, fasteners, collars,
sweater, buttons, silk bag, cushion, edgings, motifs, doilies, napkins and
napkin rings, baby hats and slippers. Knitting patterns for baby and child
items, afghan, gentleman’s silk hose, lady’s silk
jacket. Filet/cross-stitch charts, including alphabets and a large peacock |
Corticelli [05] Lessons
in Crochet including some designd for Knitting and Tatting and for the new
Hardanger Crochet, Book No. 5. Florence, Mass.: Corticelli Silk Mills,
1919, 48 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2010. Delicate crocheted blouse, edgings,
doilies, insertions, yokes, Irish Crochet, bags, hats, slippers, men's ties,
and a lampshade. Filet charts, including church lace and alphabets. Tatted
edgings, motifs, doilies. Knit silk sweaters. |
Corticelli [06] Lessons
in Knitting and Crochet Book No. 6. Florence, Mass.: Corticelli Silk
Mills, 1917, 62 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2007. Knitting and crochet
instructions, with some interesting fancy stitches, patterns for men’s,
women’s and children’s sweaters, baby blankets and clothes, silk purses,
hats, shawls, socks, gloves, military and hospital items. Some of the
sweaters are surprisingly modern. |
Corticelli [07] Lessons in Crochet Book No. 7. Florence, Mass., Nonotuck Silk Co., 1917,
48 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele. Crochet and knitting patterns for
edgings, table and bed linens, doilies, tablecloths, filet charts, yokes,
baby bonnets, knit sweater collar, cuffs, curtains, Irish Crochet motifs,
doll's sweater, bedspreads. |
Corticelli [09] Lessons
in Crochet Book No. 9. Florence, Mass.: Corticelli Silk Mills, 1920, 48
pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006, rev.2010. Crochet stitch
instructions, “Roaring Twenties” patterns for knit and crocheted sweaters,
vests, hats, bags, collars, jabots, nightgown yokes, baby items, linens,
doilies, medallions, filet charts, lace edgings. |
Corticelli [13] Lessons
in Crochet Book No. 13. Florence, Mass.: Corticelli Silk Mills, 1920, 48
pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Crochet stitch instructions,
including more complicated stitches such as roll stitch and star stitch.
Patterns for crocheted silk men’s ties, a knitted tie, doilies, luncheon
sets, filet patterns, some exquisite edgings, tatted baby items, scarves,
yokes, caps, patterns for doll items. |
Cousine Claire. Albums
de Travaux de Cousine Claire, Album No. 1: Le Filet. Paris: Manufacture
Parisienne des Cotons L.V. & M.F.A., [c.1905], 36 pgs. Scans donated by
Sytske Wijnsma 2006, photo edited Judith Adele. Embroidered net designs -
squares, medallions, heraldic, hunting, classical motifs. Wonderful mythic
creatures. The plates are clear enough to use for cross-stitch, filet
crochet, etc. |
Cousine Claire. Albums
de Travaux de Cousine Claire: Le Crochet. Paris. Publications François
Tedesco, [c.1900], 36 pgs. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma 2007, photo edited
Judith Adele. Crocheted lace – elaborate edgings and insertions, wonderful
fringes, doilies, a hanging basket, floral and mythical motifs, and an
amazing Don Quichotte in Venetian crochet. |
Crawford, Mrs. P.L. Collars
with Grape-and-Leaf Motifs, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 7, Mar 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Two
exquisite Irish Crochet type collars in fine or coarse thread. |
Croly, Mrs. (Jenny
June) ed. Knitting and Crochet, a Guide
to the Use of The Needle and The Hook. Lynn, Mass. J.F. Ingalls, 1886,
144 pgs. Scans donated and photo edited by Hope Wright 2010. Hundreds of late
Victorian knitting, crochet and macramé patterns and instructions, some of
them uncommon (such as a quilt worked in afghan stitch in the round, using
four hooks), and a knit stocking pattern in rhymed verse. |
Crooker, Clarabel. All-Lace
Luncheon-Set in Star Design, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 8, April 1919. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Clever and easy crocheted star motif that can be joined as you
go to make coasters, doilies, centerpieces. |
Le Filet Brodé, 50 Modèles Inédits
Collection DAe Album No. 5 Les Dentelles De Lin. Lille, A. Crespel, [c.1900
20 pgs.] Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Plates of embroidery on filet clear enough to stitch from, also could be used
for cross stitch or filet crochet work. Astrological and mythological motifs,
Louis IV era designs, playing card designs, borders, floral motifs. |
Dennison Mfg.
Co. How to Make Crepe Paper
Flowers. Framingham Massachusetts, Dennison Mfg Co. 1922. 32
pages plus large pattern page re-formatted to fit 12 sheets. Scans
donated by Hope Wright, 2008. Instructions for making 28 flowers.
Could be made in fabric and used in vases or for dimensional appliqué. |
Devere, Edith Maude.
Richardson’s Irish Crochet Book. Chicago: Richardson Silk Co.,
[c.1915], 32 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Instructions for Irish
Crochet in silk; baby bonnets, bags, collar and cuff set, hats, jabots,
scarves and men’s ties. |
DeWitt, Jessie M.,
ed. The Priscilla Tatting Book, Selections of Useful Articles from The
Modern Priscilla, with Beautiful Designs Never Before Published. Boston,
1909, 33 pgs. Scans donated by Gail Owens, photoedited by Judith Adele 2009.
Complete tatting instructions, with some complex techniques. Patterns for
edgings, insertions, medallions, yokes, doilies, collars, cuffs, baby caps
and trimmings. |
Dillmont DMC Library (cross-ref) Dollfus-Mieg
& Cie. List of the early Bibliothèque DMC publications that were edited by one of the Th. de Dillmonts, along with
links to scans. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. ABC de la
Couture. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c. 1940, 20 pgs]. Scans
donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Embroidery
instructions and a charted alphabet. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. ABC du
Crochet. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c. 1940, 28 pgs]. Scans
donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Crochet
instructions and some simple patterns. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. ABC du Tricot.
Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, c. 1940, 24 pgs. Scans donated by Sytske
Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Knitting instructions and some
simple patterns. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Album für Kreuzstichstickerei II. Mulhouse,
France, Dollfus Mieg & Cie, [c.1890, approx 120 pgs.]. Scans donated by
Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2007. Dozens of different cross
stitches collected from many parts of the world, beautifully illustrated,
with some needle lace stitches for joinings, edges and tassels, plus 39
colored plates. The centerfold patterns are reproduced full size in the last
pdf file. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Alphabet de la Brodeuse, Lettres, Chiffres, Monogrammes et
Ornements à points comptés suivis d’une série de modèles avec calques pour
Broderie de blanc. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1890],
149 pgs.. Scans donated by Digital Archive, reedited
Judith Adele 2006, charts redrawn by Sytske Wijnsma 2006. Dazzling patterns
for cross-stitch and other charted embroidery – alphabets, borders,
medallions, monograms, naval and heraldic symbols, hunting motifs, winter
scenes, white work monograms. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Alphabets et
Monogrammes [1].
Mulhouse, France, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1895, approx. 85 pgs]. Scans donated
by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited Judith Adele 2006. 60 plates of elegant
alphabets, monograms and crests, with some instructions. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Alphabets et
Monogrammes [2], 2me Série. Mulhous, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1925, 32
pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Huge collection of alphabet patterns for a wide variety of embroidery
types. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Art Chrétien en Égypte: Motifs de Broderie
copte [1], Première Partie. [Egyptian Christian Art: Coptic
Embroidery Motifs, part 1] Mulhouse, France, Dollfus Mieg & Cie, [c.1895,
approx 60 pgs.]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith
Adele 2007. Clear illustrations of simple embroidery stitches that quickly
progress to patterns of dazzling complexity. 30 plates, many with thread
count notes. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Art Chrétien en Égypte: Motifs de Broderie
copte [2], Deuxieme Partie. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus-Mieg &
Cie, [c.1890], [~35 pgs.]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited
Judith Adele 2006. Clear illustrations of the special embroidery stitches and
illustration plates of intricate abstract designs. |
DMCBroderiePasse1.pdf |
Dillmont, Th. de, ed.
D.M.C. Broderie au passé, La . Mulhouse, France: Dollfus Mieg & Cie,
[c.1900], [35 pgs] plus the text pages from the German edition. Scans donated
by Sytske Wijnsma, photoedited Judith Adele 2007. Flat-stitch embroidery
plates and pattern outlines for graceful floral and formal pieces. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Broderies ajourées sur toile. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus
Mieg & Cie, [c.1923], [approx 30 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma , photo edited Judith Adele 2006. Clear
illustrations of the special embroidery stitches, many of which create spaces
between the fabric threads to create a lace. Plates show traditional
patterns, including church motifs. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Broderies
Bulgares. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1920, 30 pgs]. Scans
donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Bulgarian
embroidery - dozens of illustrations of brilliant borders and fields, with
instructions for materials and thread colors and illustration of unusual
stitches. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Broderies
Colbert. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1920, 40 pgs]. Scans
donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. 17th century colorful French embroidery,
generally with cross stitch fields outlined in stem or chain stitches, for
big effects. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, c.1920, 50 pgs. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Broderies
yougoslaves [1] - Ire Série. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1920,
50 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Colorful Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian embroidery. Stitch instructions and materials, and color
plates. A wide variety of mostly
geometric or stylized floral designs in gorgeous colors, with tracing
patterns at the back of the book for pricking the designs onto cloth. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Broderies
yougoslaves [2] - IIme Série. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1925, ? pgs, patterns missing]. Scans donated by Sytske
Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Colorful Bosnian, Herzegovine,
Dalmation, and Montenegro embroidery.
Stitch instructions and materials, and color plates. A wide variety of stylized floral, bird and
abstract designs in gorgeous colors, with tracing patterns at the back of the
book for pricking the designs onto cloth. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Crochet Work 7th Series (Filet Crochet). Mulhouse, France,
Dollfus Mieg & Cie, [c.1925, ~ 22 pgs, covers and ads missing]. Scans
donated and OCR edited by Bhavani Harikrichnan 2007. Complete instructions on
how to do filet crochet, with simple and lovely patterns and a few filet
charts. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Dentelle Renaissance, La. Mulhouse, France, Dollfus Mieg
& Cie, [c.1890] 76 pgs. + plates and patterns.
Scans donated by Judith Adele 2007. Needle laces made with manufactured tapes
and braids (many no longer available) that work up quickly to stunning
results. The linen patterns tracing patterns can also be used by Battenberg
and Romanian Point lacemakers. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Dentelle Ténériffe, La. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus Mieg
& Cie, [c.1895], [~ 34 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo
edited Judith Adele 2006. Beautiful and elaborate Teneriffe designs with
detailed illustrations. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Drawn Thread Work [1]. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus-Mieg &
Cie, [c.1895], 103 pgs. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, reedited
Judith Adele sep2006. Instructions for methods of drawn thread work and
traditions, with techniques and stitches for insertions in linen, some
simple, some elaborate, with additional embroidery and two intricate tassels.
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Drawn Thread Work [2] 2nd series. Mulhouse,
France, Dollfus Mieg & Cie, [c.1925, approx 40 pgs, covers and ads not
incl.]. Scans donated and OCR edited by Bhavani Harikrichnan 2007. Directions
for drawn thread embroidery, with patterns for bands, insertions, edgings,
grounds of this exquisite lace. Slav, Italian, Reticella openwork, Spanish
openwork, cut stitch designs, and a ground with rosettes resembling
Teneriffe. |
Dillmont, Th. de, ed.
D.M.C. Embroidery on Net [The Net Book]. Mulhouse, France:
Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1895], 58 pgs. Scans donated by On-Line Digital
Archive, reedited Judith Adele 2006. Instructions for making net, mounting it
on a frame for embroidering, and the embroidery stitches themselves, which
are similar to Filet Guipure and Drawn Work stitches. Colored plates with
beautiful examples of the work, detailed enough to follow the stitches –
several are chart-type patterns that would also work for filet crochet, cross-stitch,
etc. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Filet
Guipure, Le. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1920, 28 pgs]. Scans
donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Embroidery on
netting - instructions with excellent illustrations and many plates showing
squares and fields and borders. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C.
Filet-Richelieu, Le. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1910, 28 pgs].
Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Instructions for making net, and the stitches to embroider over it, to make
elaborate squares and borders. Plates with bird, flower and geometric
designs. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Hardanger
Arbeiten. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1900, ~56 pgs]. Scans
donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Instructions
for embroidery and needle lace stitches, and plates illustrating geometric
borders, grounds, linens, fringed edgings, pillows, collars, apron, bags,
blouses. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Hardanger
Embroideries [2], IInd Series. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1921,
40 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
More, and more elaborate embroidery and needle lace stitches, and plates
illustrating geometric borders, grounds, fringed and knotted edgings, tray
cloths, cushions, chair back, bag, child's dress, tea cosy. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Hardanger
Embroidery. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1900, ~56 pgs]. Scans
donated by Judith Adele 2010. Instructions for embroidery and needle lace
stitches, and plates illustrating geometric borders, grounds, linens, fringed
edgings, pillows, collars, apron, bags, blouses. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Irish Crochet Lace. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus-Mieg &
Cie, [c.1900], 63 pgs and 7 linen patterns. Scans donated by Judith Adele and
Melanie Gill 2006. One of the classics of Irish Crochet lace. Parts of this
book have been reprinted by several publishers – these scans are from the
original, with all the chapters, plates and linen patterns. Instructions for
Irish Crochet stitches and techniques, patterns for traditional Irish Crochet
motifs, grounds, footings and borders, instructions for working with machine
made grounds and braids, illustration plates and lacemaker’s patterns for
working complex laces - deep edgings, squares, insertions, a collar and
cuffs. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. La Soutache
et Son Emploi. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie., [c. 1890, 50 pgs.] Scans
donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Instructions
and illustrations for stitching manufactured braid in elaborate patterns onto
fabric, with many illustrations and tracing patterns. Beautiful art nouveau
design. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Merk Stich [1], 1te Serie. Mulhouse, France, Dollfus Mieg
& Cie, [orig pub c.1890, 1908 edition], 12 plates. Scans donated by
Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2007. Charts for alphabets,
borders, monograms, and wonderful scenes of 1908 bicycles, boats, trains,
motor car and balloons. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Motifs for
Embroideries [4] 4th Series. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie. c.1895, 25
pgs. Scans donated by Bhavani Harikrishna, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Color plates of art nouveau embroidery motifs - floral fields and borders. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Motifs for
Embroideries [5] Vth Series. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1900,
38 pgs.]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Instructions and illustrations of many embroidery stitches, lavish color plates
illustrating the designs, and tracing patterns at the back of the book for
pricking the patterns onto cloth. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Motifs for
Embroideries [6] VIth Series. [Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, c.1915,
~20 pgs.]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele
2010. Colored plates illustrating early 20th C embroidery design. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Motifs pour Broderies [1]. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus-Mieg
& Cie, [c.1895], 112 pgs. Scans donated by Digital Archive, reedited
Judith Adele 2006. Colored plates of embroidery designs with instructions for
floss colors and stitches, followed by the tracing patterns. Gorgeous art nouveau
patterns of expressive flowers and leaves. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Motifs Pour
Broderies [3], 3me Série. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1910, 28
pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Plates illustrating beautiful early 20th C embroidery design. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Motifs Pour
Broderies [4] (IVme Série). Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c. 1905,
22 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Plates illustrating beautiful early 20th C embroidery design. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Motifs Pour
Broderies [7] 7me Série. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [c.1947, 19
pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Plates
illustrating beautiful mid 20th C embroidery design. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Motivi per
Ricami [5] Va Serie. Mulhouse, France, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie,
[first pub. c.1900, approx 35 pgs]. Scanned by Dindi Gelfi, photo edited by
Judith Adele. Embroidery plates and patterns, with instructions for stitches.
DMCNeedlemade1.pdf |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Needle-Made Laces, Series 1. Mulhouse, France, Dollfus Mieg
& Cie, [c.1905], approx 98 pgs. Scans donated and photo edited by
Adrienne Kattke 2007. Excellent instructions on preparing and couching the
lace patterns, which are then covered with fine buttonhole stitches. Also a
description of Reticella, using pre-made braids. Plates and patterns for
squares, motifs, edgings, very beautiful lace. The patterns in the back of
the book are on special soft black paper with white tracings. A set of
patterns, reversed (black on white background) is in the last pdf file. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Ornaments et
lingerie d'Église. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg
& Cie., [c.1935, 32 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited
by Judith Adele 2010. Embroidery designs for church vestments and alter
linens, with instructions, plates showing the embroidery and some tracing
patterns. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Point de Croix Nouveaux Dessins [1], Ire Série. [Cross
Stitch New Designs Series 1] Mulhouse, France, Dollfus-Mieg * Cie, [c.1905],
approx.25 pgs, in French. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited
Judith Adele 2006. Stunning art nouveau and Provençale charted cross-stitch
designs – the Dutch children designs were possibly inspired by the 1901 Paris
Exposition. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Point de Croix Nouveaux Dessins [2], IIme Série. Mulhouse,
France, Dollfus-Mieg * Cie, [c.1905], approx.25 pgs. Scans donated by Sytske
Wijnsma, photo edited Judith Adele 2006, charts redrawn by Sytske Wijnsma.
More stunning art nouveau and Provençale charted cross-stitch designs –
birds, bees, cats, bunnies, flowers, fish. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Point de
Croix Nouveaux Dessins [3], IIIme Série. [Cross Stitch New Designs Series
3] Mulhouse, France, Dollfus-Mieg * Cie, [c.1905], approx.25 pgs. Scans
donated and redrawn by Sytske Wijnsma 2008. More stunning art nouveau and
Provençale charted cross-stitch designs – birds, fish, flowers and leaves,
children's scenes. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Point de Croix Nouveaux Dessins [6] (6me Série). [Cross
Stitch New Designs, Series 6] Mulhouse, France, Dollfus Mieg & Cie, [unk
date], 16 plates. Scans donated by Anja Riemens-Wildschut, photo edited
Judith Adele 2007. More wonderful art nouveau (leaning here toward art deco)
designs. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Point de Marque [1]. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus Mieg & Cie,
[first pub. c.1890, subsequent printings have updated patterns], 12 plates.
Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited Judith Adele 2006, charts
redrawn by Sytske Wijnsma. Cross-stitch charts for alphabets, monograms,
borders, and a wonderful transportation scene. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Point de
Marque [2] IIme Série. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie., [first pub c.
1900, this printing c. 1933, 18 pgs.] Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2010. Cross stitch charts for alphabets, borders and
children's play scenes. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Point de
Marque [3] IIIme Série. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie., [first pub c.
1900, this printing c. 1934, 20 pgs.] Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2010. Cross stitch charts for alphabets, borders and
quaint scenes. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Point de
Marque [4] IVme Série. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie., [first pub c.
1900, this printing c.1934, 20 pgs.] Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2010. Cross stitch charts for alphabets, borders and
exotic scenes. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Pointe de
Marque [5] 5me Serié, Mulhouse, France, Dollfus Mieg & Cie (first pub
c.1920), Scans donated by Annick Chartier, photo edited by Judith Adele June
2008. Cross stitch patterns for art deco alphabets, fields, borders, animals
and sceneries, including wonderful insects, fish and birds. |
Th. de, ed. D.M.C. Stickerei auf
Netz-Canavas. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie., [c. 1890, 32 pgs.] Scans
donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Illustrations
of stitches for elaborate embroidering on net, and many plates, clear enough
to use as patterns. |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Tatting. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus-Mieg & Cie.,
[c.1920], 56 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting Archive, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2006. Extensive instructions, and patterns for
edgings, fields, motifs, |
Dillmont, Th. de,
ed. D.M.C. Tüllstickerei, Die [1] Ite Serie. Mulhouse, France: Dollfus
Mieg & Cie, [c.1900], [approx 45 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma,
photo edited Judith Adele 2007. Embroidery on tulle with clear illustrations
and plates, some in vivid colors. |
Th. de, ed. DMC Punto di Marca 1a
Serie. Mulhouse, France, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie, [first pub. c.1895, 12
patterns]. Scanned by Dindi Gelfi, photo edited by Judith Adele 2008.
Needlepoint or cross stitch patterns for alphabets, borders, hot air
balloons, auto, boats, bicycles. |
Dixon, Mrs. B.F. A
Handsome Between-Meal Centerpiece, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 7, Mar 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Lovely Cluny-type crochet edging for a
large doily. Note that the instructions for round 12 are missing, but the
illustration is clear. |
Joan. Portfolio of Designs for
Embroidery. London, Sir Isaac Pitman & Cons, 1929, 16 pgs. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2010. Embroidery tracing patterns - charming flowers
and birds. |
Duff-Gordon. Lady
Duff-Gordon Book of Irish and Cluny Crochet. Chicago: Richardson Silk
Company, 1917, 16 pgs. Scans donated by Kathryn White, photo edited Judith
Adele 2006. Crochet stitch instructions, patterns for “Cluny” edgings and
medallions, Irish Crochet motifs, medallions and edgings, doilies, tea cozy,
yoke, collar, cap, candle shade. |
Dvorak, R.J. American Beauty, The, No. 17. Chicago,
Novelty Art Studios, 1919, 15 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited
by Judith Adele, 2010. Crocheted yokes and caps, "Grecian", Billie
Burke", filet charts, Cluny scarf edging, doilies. |
Dvorak, R.J. Art in Crochet No. 13. Chicago,
Novelty Art Studios, 1918, 15 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited
by Judith Adele, 2010. Pretty crocheted yokes, corset covers, boudoir caps,
brassiere, doilies, buffet scarf. |
Frette & C. Album di Desegni per
Ricamo a Colori. Milano, c. 1900, 22 plates. Scanned by Dindi Gelfi, photo edited by
Judith Adele 2008. Cross stitch and
other embroidery charts and plates –alphabets, elegant formal borders and
medallions, stylized flowers and leaves.
Miss S.C. The Flower Vase, containing
The Language of Flowers and Their Poetic Sentiments. Lowell, Massachusetts 1844, 158 pgs. Scans
donated by Hope Wright. Useful little book that lists dozens of flowers with
descriptions and their accepted sentiment of the time. |
Egenolff, Christian.
Modelbüch / aller art: Nehewercke und Stickens. Mit ettlichen newen /
künstlichen/vormals verhaltenen Stucken und Stapelen / Als. Venedigische
Stern und Gewirck. Off der Laden Und nach der Tal. Die Melisch / meis Arbeit.
Plattstich / Creuzstich / Stichwerck. Frankfort, 1533 (see plate 28)], reprinted Dresden: George Gilbers,
1880, 71 plates. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive ,
reedited Judith Adele 2006. approx. trans: Pattern Book, all kinds: Close Work and
Embroidery. With several new artworks, formerly located at Pieces and Piles.
Venetian Star and Works. Open shop and counter. The Mark, Master Work. Flat
stitch, Cross-stitch, Stitch work etc. Wonderful 16th century embroidery
tracing patterns – leaf, vine and floral borders, populated with fantastical
birds and animals. |
Ehrlich, Antonie. The Antonie Ehrlich Crochet Book No. 3: Original
Designs in Filet Crochet. Philadelphia, Ehrlich Publishing Co., 1915, 32
pgs. Scans donated by Ann Heiser, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010-08.
Traditional filet patterns - borders, motifs, scenes for laces, linens,
purses, baby items. |
Ellison, Nellie
& Melvia M. Stoddard. Corticelli Lessons in Tatting. Florence,
Mass., Corticelli Silk Mills, 1916, 56 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele
2006. Instructions for tatting stitches, hundreds of patterns for edgings and
insertions, some incorporating manufactured braids and rickrack, medallions,
doilies, appliqués, camisole yokes, lampshade, lace baskets. |
Friedrich & Helbig, Paul, Das A-B-C
der Stickerin. Liepzig, W.F. Wollmer, [c.1900], 87 plates. Scans donated
by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Cross stitch charts and
embroidery tracing patterns - beautiful art nouveau designs of alphabets,
borders, flowers, animals and rural scenes. |
Exhibition Book
of Crochet Elegancies, In coloured Twine with Illustrations in Gold and &
Colors And Recipes for Working. London:
Faudel and Phillips, [c.1851], 8 pgs + 4 plates. Scans donated and photo
edited by Judith Adele 2006. Victorian era patterns for a tapestry crochet
carriage bag, child’s gaiters, lace baby cap and edging and two
anti-macassars with very early filet crochet. |
de La Fontaine, Les, Broderies & Ouvrages de Dames Album No. 4, 32 Fables
en carre de 26 cent. donné en grandeur d'exécution. Paris, M Orsoni, c. 192133
pgs. Scans donated and edited by Luan Pfost 2009. Charming set of embroidery
patterns of scenes of traditional fables, with instructions. In French, with
much supplemental information in English added by the editor (see notes at
the back of the book) |
Fancy Braid and
Crochet Book. Lynn,
Mass.: T.E. Parker, 1885, 16 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006.
Patterns for crocheted edgings to utilize the new manufactured braids that
were becoming available in the 1880’s, many of which have not been
manufactured since the 1920’s. Some beautiful effects that don’t take long to
work up. |
Emma, [F] My Book Number F Edges and
Corners. St. Louis, Mo., E.C. Spuehler, [c.1915], 15 pages. Scans donated
by Diane Bayley, photo edited by Judith Adele 2008. Pretty crocheted edges
and corners. |
Emma. [B] Alphabets in Crochet & Tatting:
Book No. B For use in Door Panels, Table Covers Etc. Small Filet Designs
& Cross Mesh Filet Letters for Corners. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting
Archive, photo edited by Kathleen Mattlingly 2008. Beautiful filet alphabets
and motifs (birds, animals). |
Emma. [C] Fifteen New Crocheted Yokes
with full Instructions: Lingerie that you can reproduce & of which you
will be proud. My Book No. C. [St. Louis, Missouri: E.C. Spuehler,
c.1910], 15 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting Archive, photo edited
by Judith Adele 2009. Filet, lacet, motif crocheted yokes. |
Emma. [D] New-Large Filet Designs, Door
Panels & Original Picture Designs, My Book No.
D., Motifs for Altar Cloths. St. Louis, Missouri. E.C. Spuehler
Publisher, c.1910, 15 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting Archive, photo
edited Judith Adele 2009. Filet charts of birds, patriotic, church and
traditional motifs. |
Farnes, Emma. [G] My Book No. G, Antique Design or Spider, In many Variations - Showing Yokes:
Corners, Edges & Insertions. St. Louis, Missouri: E.C.
Spuehler, [c.1910], 16 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Stitch
instructions for a dozen or so different crocheted spider pattern squares,
and patterns to use them in edgings, corners, and camisole yokes. |
ModernPriscillaDec1920-1.pdf |
Ferry, Christine A.,
ed. Modern Priscilla [1920-12], Christmas and Pilgrim Tercentenary Number,
Vol. XXV, No. X, Dec 1920. Boston: Priscilla Co., 56 pgs [some ads,
articles and fiction omitted]. Scans donated by azcq 2006. Articles on
colonial Massachusetts, spinning, quilting, etc., patterns for embroidery,
netting, knit socks, crocheted edgings, bobbin lace, recipes and food
articles, some of which show doily and table linen use of the time. |
Filet brodé, Le, 114 Modèles. [Paris, c.1900 34 pgs.]
Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Plates of
embroidery on filet clear enough to stitch from, or for cross stitch or filet
crochet. Borders, scenes from Aesop's Fables, animal and mythological motifs,
quaint and exotic scenes. |
Friedrich. Südslavische Ornamente. Leipzig, Felix Lay,
nd c.1900, 20 plates. Scans donated by Jeb Beelen, photo edited by Judith
Adele 2009. Charted patterns for heavily embroidered panels and bags, and
some examples of Serbian jewelry. |
Mary E. [1] Filet Crochet and How To
Use It, Series One. Brookline,
Massachusetts, 1914, 32 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by
Judith Adele 2010. Doilies, cushions, edgings, insertions, bag, curtain. |
Mary E. [2] Filet Crochet with
Instructions, Series No. 2. Brookline, Mass., 1915, 28 pgs. Scans donated
by Public Domain Tatting Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Doilies,
edgings, insertions, chair back, medallions, alphabet. |
Mary E. [3] Filet Crochet with
Instructions, Series No. 3. Brookline, Massachusetts, 1915, 28 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting
Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2009. Panels, edgings, insertions -
some nice ones with animals and people, doilies, yokes, and an alphabet
chart. |
Mary E. [4] Crocheted Yokes and Tatting, Series No. 4. Brookline
Massachusetts, 1915, 28 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting Archive,
photo edited by Judith Adele, 2009. Filet, fancy braid, and tatted yokes,
edgings, doilies, collar. |
Mary.E. [5] Manual of Crochet, Series
No. 5. [Brookline Massachusetts, 1915, 28 pgs] Scans donated by Public
Domain Tatting Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2009. Filet, tasseled
edgings, slippers, doilies, edgings, motifs, cross-stitch embroidery, bags,
baby blanket, tennis belt, nut baskets, baby rattle, marine sofa pillow, baby
bonnet, alphabet chart. |
Fitzwilliam, Ada
Wentworth & A.F. Morris Hands. Jacobean Embroidery: Its Forms and
Fillings Including Late Tudor. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1912.
Project Gutenberg e-book version, converted to pdf format Judith Adele 2006.
A history of 17th and 18th century embroidery, with 28
plates that are detailed enough to recreate the stitches and patterns. |
Ford, Anna Grayson,
ed., et al., Treatise on Embroidery, Crochet and Knitting with
Illustrations, adapted to the use of M. Heminway & Sons’ Wash Silks
(Oriental Dyes). New York, M. Heminway & Sons Silk Co., 1899, 133
pgs., Scans donated by Luann Pfost 2007. Embroidery stitch and fringing
instructions (some complex), an essay on the silk industry, a list of college
colors, transfer patterns for alphabets, floral designs with instructions and
astonishingly beautiful colored plates. Also drawn thread instructions,
crocheting and knitting instructions and patterns for edgings, baby items,
bags, slippers, caps, undershirts, mittens, and hose. |
Garbutt, Helen, ed. Priscilla
Bedspread Book [Priscilla Crochet Book Bedspreads]: A Collection of Patterns from
the Modern Priscilla with Beautiful New Designs Never Before Published. Boston:
Priscilla Publishing, 1914, 48 pgs. Scans donated and edited by Judith Adele
2006. Several dozen crochet patterns for making bedspreads from cotton thread
– clever hexagons, flower, square and filet designs to sew or crochet
together, plus insertions, edgings and knotted fringes. |
Jane. The Lady's Assistant for Executing
Useful and Fancy Designs in Knitting, Netting and Crotchet, Illustrated by
Fifteen Engravings, Showing Various Stitches in the Art of Netting.
Edinburgh, I.J. Gaugain's, 1840, 210 pgs. Scans donated by Isabel Gancedo
2009. Knitting patterns, netting, crochet instructions and patterns. Many
beautiful bags. |
Agnes und Kaete, ed. Flachstich-Arbeiten,
Mit 191 Abbildungen und 3 doppelseitigen Belagen mit Mustervorlagen: Beyers
Handarbeits-Bucher der, Deutschen Moden-Zeitung, Band 25. Leipzig, Verlag
Otto Beyer, 1921, 46 pgs. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by
Judith Adele 2010. Instructions and illustrations for flatstitch embroidery,
with many charted patterns for curtains, pillows, tablecloths, aprons, bags,
belts, child and baby clothes. |
Godey's The Toy Shop, and The Christmas Tree, excerpt from Godey’s Ladies Book and
Magazine, 1860, Scanned and photo edited by Hope Wright 2007. Illustrations
and descriptions of Christmas ornaments and toys. |
Goubaud. Madame
Goubaud’s Point Lace Book, Instructions and Patterns, Numerous Illustrations.
London: Ward, Lock and Tyler, [c. 1880], 56 pgs. Scans donated by On-Line
Digital Archive, reedited Judith Adele 2006. Instructions for Battenberg-type
laces; with a virtual encyclopedia of point stitches - points, bars, edgings,
wheels - and patterns for medallions, borders, insertions, collars and
monograms. |
H.K. Berlin SW. Moderne
Stickvorlagen, Dessins de Broderies Modernes [Modern Embroidery Designs].
Germany, [c. 1880], 11 plates. Scans donated by |
Berlin. Moderne Stickvorlagen, Dessins
de Broderies Modernes. Berlin, [c. 1900], selected pages. Scans from
On-Line Digital Archive, remastered by Kathleen Mattingly 2009. Cross stitch charts of art nouveau borders,
birds, flowers, leaves. |
Hadley, Sara. Irish
Crochet Lace, The Lace Maker, Vol. 4 No. 3. New York: D.S. Bennett, 1911,
p 65-88. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Wonderful early 20th
C Irish Crochet motifs for collars, doilies, jabots, edgings, insertions and
trimmings. The instructions are sketchy; this is for the advanced crocheter. |
Haehnlen, Mary. A
Book of Fancy Designs for Ornamenting Oriental Work. Chicago: Mrs. M
Haehnlen, 1884, 24 pgs. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, photo
edited Judith Adele 2006. Easy and effective embroidery stitches for
"crazy" appliqué piecework. |
of Crochet No. 2,
Augusta, Maine, Needlecraft Publishing, c.1921, 31 pgs. Scans donated by
Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010. Crocheted table linens,
doilies, filet charts, chair backs, baby bonnets and booties, edgings,
medallions and insertions. |
Hardouin, G. [1] Premier
Volume Album de Guipure d'Irlande [1st Album Irish Guipure].
Paris: Manufacture Parisienne des Cotons L.V. & M.F.A., [c.1905], [35 pgs],
in French. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, photo edited Judith
Adele 2006. Instructions for Irish Crochet stitches; traditional and fanciful
simple motifs. |
Hardouin, G. [2] Deuxième
Volume Album de Guipure d'Irlande [2nd Album Irish Guipure].
Paris: Manufacture Parisienne des Cotons L.V. & M.F.A., [c.1905], [46
pgs], in French. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, photo edited
Judith Adele 2006. Instructions for Irish Crochet stitches; elegant little
sprigs, flowers and leaves. |
Hardouin, G. [3] Troisième
Volume Album de Guipure d'Irlande [3rd Album Irish Guipure].
Paris: Manufacture Parisienne des Cotons L.V. & M.F.A., [c.1905], [46
pgs], in French. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, photo edited
Judith Adele 2006. Unusual and rich Irish Crochet flowers, leaves, fruit. |
Hardouin, G. [4] Quatrième
Volume Album de Guipure d'Irlande [4th Album Irish Guipure].
Paris: Manufacture Parisienne des Cotons L.V. & M.F.A., [c.1905], [46 pgs].
Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, photo edited Judith Adele 2006.
Fanciful motifs for padded, sculptural Irish Crochet laces, including
butterflies, tennis rackets, unusual flowers, and a lizard. |
Hardouin, G. [5] Cinquième
Volume Album de Dentelle d'Irlande Fine [5th Album Fine Irish
Lace]. Paris: Manufacture Parisienne des Cotons L.V. & M.F.A., [c.1905],
[47 pgs]. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, photo edited Judith Adele
2006. Fine (sometimes called bébé) Irish Crochet medallions and squares, with
photographs of the delicate laces. |
Hardouin, G. [6] Sixième
Volume Album de Dentelle d'Irlande ancienne [6th Album Old
Irish Lace]. Paris: Manufacture Parisienne des Cotons L.V. & M.F.A.,
[c.1905], [49 pgs], in French. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive,
photo edited Judith Adele 2006. "Star", "little",
"arabesque" and flower motifs; photographs showing them used to
make exquisite Irish Crochet laces. |
Mme. Le Gros Crochet [1] 1er Volume.
Paris, Maurice Frings & Cie, [nd c.1900, 40 pgs] Scans donated Isabel
Gancedo, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Stunning "Venetian"
crochet motifs (flowers, birds, baskets, leaves) and patterns for collars,
table linens, elaborate edgings, fringes. |
Mme. Le Gros Crochet [2] 2er Volume.
Paris, Maurice Frings & Cie, [nd c.1900, 40 pgs] Scanned by Isabel Gancedo
2009-05, photoedited by Judith Adele 2009. More lovely "Venetian"
crochet motifs (flowers, birds, leaves) and patterns for collars, bags,
elaborate edgings, pillows, |
Harris, Frances A. Clark's O.N.T. Designs for Blouses, Scarfs
and Bags, Book No. 17. Newark, N.J., Clark Thread Company, 1920, 18 pgs.
Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010. Crocheted
vests, scarf with pockets, filet charts, bags, shawls, large collar. |
Frances A. Clark's O.N.T. Designs for
Crochet Yokes: Book No. 5 Revised Edition. Newark, New Jersey, The Clark
Thread Company, 1920 25 pages. Scans donated by Bev Pisko, photoedited by
Judith Adele 2009. Delicate lace yokes, interesting stitches, filet patterns,
and embroidery over filet. |
HarveyPrisIrish1.pdf |
Harvey, Lula M. Priscilla
Irish Crochet Book No 1, A Collection of New and Original Designs, With
Stitches and Lessons for Working. Boston: Priscilla Publishing, 1912, 48
pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. This is a must-have for crocheters
who want to learn how to make Irish crochet lace. Excellent instructions,
patterns for a wide variety of flower, fruit and leaf motifs, a few grounds and
edgings, instructions for hats, collars, cuffs, yoke, jabot, opera bag,
edgings, doily. |
Hayden, Hazel. Round
Yoke in Tatting, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 7, Mar. 1916. Augusta, Maine:
Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006.
Circular tatted yoke with Irish lace-type roses that could also be used as a
deep edging for a doily. |
Hees, Marie
Antoinette. Old and New Designs in Tatting, Book No. 5, A Manual of Edges
Insertions and Motifs Suitable for Yokes, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Luncheon
Sets, Piano Scarfs, Curtains, Cushions, Medallions, etc. St. Louis:
Missouri, E.C. Spuehler, [c. 1916], 15 pgs. Scans donated by Rosa Singleton,
photo edited Judith Adele 2006. Illustrated instructions on how to tat, over
a dozen original edging patterns, a butterfly motif, doilies, collars, yokes,
a tatted bag, and tatted baby dress and hat. |
Hege, W.C. Child’s
Crocheted Bonnet with Star Crown, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 7, Mar. 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Crocheted baby hat with roll stitches (bullion) and “bean
stitch” (clusters) that make a flower and shell motif. |
Frederick. Art Needlework Supplies
General Catalog. Chicago, Frederick Herrschner, c.1907, 242pgs. Scans
donated and photo edited by Luann Pfost 08-2010. Enormous and beautiful
needlework catalog, a wonderful reference for early 20thC needlework, with
many illustrations. |
Hesse, Henry. Art Needlework No. 7: The Greatest Art
Needlework Published. 600 Patterns of Cross Stitch Alphabets, Borders and
Floral Designs. Crochet Patterns, Gittertyl (Filet) and Hardanger. New York,
Henry Hesse, c.1900, 48 pgs. Scans donated by Luann Pfost, photo edited by
Judith Adele, 2010. Wonderful plates and charts, with a few crocheted
patterns. |
Hilt, Lillius. Knitted
Laces, Needlecraft Vol. XI, No. 1, Sep 1919. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft
Publishing Company. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006.
Three knitted lace edgings, for experienced knitters. |
Brigitta. Buch der Wälche,
Ein Leitfaden zur zeitgemäben herstellung von Haus-, Bett- und Leibwäsche,
lowie zu deren gründlicher Behandlung und Pflege, unter Beigabe der
erforderlichen naturgrochen Schmitte.
Leipzig, Deutchen Moden Zeitung, [c.1900, 65 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske
Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Sewing and embroidery
instructions for children's clothes, ladies' lingerie and household linens,
with tracing patterns and cross stitch charts. |
Home Needlework Magazine,
October 1915.
Boston, Home Needlework Publishing, 50 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain
Tatting Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Crocheted shawls, baby
items, yokes, collars, edgings, pillows. Embroidery. Knitted child's items,
tatted doilies. |
Home Needlework, November
1915. Boston,
Home Needlework Publishing, 52 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting
Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Crocheted knitted,
and embroidered baby, men's, girl's, household items for holiday gifts. |
Arts. Alice Brooks Design 7121. Household
Arts Inc., 1946, 3 pgs. Scans donated by KR Ritchie 2009. Large and small
crocheted pineapple doilies. |
Arts. Alice Brooks Design 7151. Household
Arts, Inc. 1946, 6 pgs. Scans donated by KR Ritchie 2009. Three crocheted
doilies, a fern design, a pineapple, and a flower petal design. |
Arts. Alice Brooks Design 7226. Household
Arts., Inc. 1946, 5 pgs. Scans donated by KR Ritchie
2009. Four crocheted doilies, two with ruffled edges. |
Arts. Alice Brooks Design 7234. Household
Arts, Inc. 1946, 6 pgs. Scans donated by KR Ritchie 2009. Three crocheted
doilies - snowflake, pineapple and ten sided star. |
Arts. Alice Brooks Design 7319. Household Arts Inc. 1946, 5 pgs. Scans
donated by KR Ritchie 2009. Square crocheted motif with combination pineapple
and spider web for scarves, bedspreads, etc. |
Arts. Alice Brooks Star Medallion. [ c.1945] Scans donated by KR Ritchie 2009. Crocheted
hexagon medallion for bedspreads, pillows, etc. |
Huston, Mira L., The Home Needlework Filet Crochet Book.
Boston, Home Needlework Publishing, 1916, 20pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr,
photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010. Crocheted bags, wonderful filet charts,
doilies, baskets, bags. |
Il Punto Filet. Casa Editrice Sonzogno,
Milano, 1905, 63 pages. Scanned by Dindi Gelfi, photo edited by Judith Adele.
Wonderful filet pattern book with hundreds of charted designs that will work
for cross stitch, filet crochet or any charted needlework. |
Irish Lace Doily. [U.S. c.1946] 3 pgs. Scans donated by KR Ritchie 2009. Crocheted doily constructed of chains and
tr. |
Isaac D. Allen
Co. [advertising] Boston,
1915, 16 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. These ads, which include
good beading instructions for bags and necklaces, were scattered through and
glued into my copy of Priscilla Crochet Book Edgings and Insertions by the
bookseller, who ran a yarn and bead shop near Boston Common. |
Jenkinson, Mrs. M.S.
Chemise–Yoke with Laces to Match, Needlecraft Vol. II No. 5, Jan 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Crocheted yoke with spider and heart filet motifs. |
Kerzman, Marie
Louise ed. Miscellaneous Designs for Crochet Work, Illustrated, Crochet
Series No. 3. Brooklyn, NY: Henry Bristow, 1883, 40 pgs. Scans donated
and photo edited by Judith Adele 2006. A dozen or so crochet patterns for
squares and rosettes for making bedspreads and pillow shams. |
Kerzman, Marie
Louise, ed. Punto-Tirato or Drawn Work. [Brooklyn, NY]: Henry Bristow,
1883, 31 pgs (covers missing). Scans donated by Diane Spinelli, photo edited
Judith Adele 2006. Clear explanations and illustrations for making drawn
thread lace that takes us quickly from basic concepts to big projects, with
some beautiful effects. |
Kettelle, Mrs. F.W.,
ed. The Priscilla Filet Crochet Book No. 2, A Collection of Beautiful
Designs in Filet Crochet, Introducing Filet Crochet Brodé, Embroidery on
Crochet and Cameo Crochet. Boston: Priscilla Publishing, 1915, 48 pgs.
Scans donated by Judith Adele and Deidre-Anne Penrod, photo edited Judith Adele
2006. Includes uncommon variations in filet stitches. Charts and instructions
for church lace, a large peacock, baby items, lampshade, doilies, pillows,
cherubs and classical motifs, formal, fruit and floral borders, and such
elegancies as Burns’ “Selkirk Grace” and Tallyrand’s lines on coffee. |
King, Helen S. A
Book of Edgings for Pillow Slips, Dresser Covers,
Towels and Dress Trimmings. Springfield, Ill.: King’s Needlecraft and
Lace Studio, 1912, 31 pgs [p19-20 missing]. Scans donated by Digital Archive
2006, photo edited Judith Adele. Traditional crochet edgings - many are easy
to do. |
Kirchmaier, Hugo W. The New Filet Crochet Book Number Four:
Original Designs Which May Be Used Also For Cross-Stitch and Beadwork, with
Patterns Represented in a New Way, Preface and Suggestions for Making Up
designs by Cora Kirchmaier. Toledo, Ohio, Cora Kirchmaier, 1914, 38 pgs.
Scans donated by anonymous, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010. Dresser
cover, "Love Bird" pillow and sofa cover, work bag, altar cloth
edgings, tea cozy, cake cover. |
Klickmann, Flora,
ed. “A Lesson in Irish Crochet”, “A Flower Basket Motif in Irish Crochet”,
“Irish Edges”, Craft of the Crochet Hook. London: Girl’s Own Paper and
Woman’s Magazine, [c.1912]. Scans donated and photo edited by Enfys 2006. |
Klickmann, Flora,
ed. Artistic Crochet, Containing Novel Beadings, Insertions and Edgings
Suitable for Underwear and Dress Trimmings, Exquisite Floral designs in Irish
Crochet. Also Practical Suggestions Both Simple and Advanced, for Teacloths
and Bedspreads, Third Impression. London, Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s
Magazine, [c.1914], 114 pgs. Scans donated and photo edited by Enfys 2006.
Unusual and original Irish Crochet motifs and patterns, “Venetian” motifs,
Irish Bébé lace, edgings, “guipure” squares, laces using manufactured braids,
filet and spider laces, baby shoes. |
Klickmann, Flora,
ed. Beautiful Crochet on Household Linen, Showing Table Cloths, Toilet
Covers, Curtain Tops, Towel Ends, Sideboard Cloths, Tea Cosies, Dressing
Table Runners and other items. London: Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s
Magazine, [c.1916]. Scans donated by Enfys, photoedited Judith Adele 2007.
Delicate and lovely art nouveau filet and irish crochet patterns, along with
practical advice on working and applying the laces. |
KlickmannDistinctivep1-60.pdf |
Klickmann, Flora,
ed. Distinctive Crochet, Showing Edgings, Insertions, Inlets, Corner
Triangles and Camisole Tops, in English, Irish, Venetian & Filet Crochet
with beautiful Designs of Natural Birds and Flowers. London: Girl’s Own
Paper and Woman’s Magazine, [c.1919], 114 pgs. Scans donated and photo edited
by Enfys 2006. Unusual (Japonica, cyclamen, honeysuckle, violets) Irish
Crochet motifs, many filet crochet patterns, sturdy edgings for table linens,
Irish Crochet edgings, easy edgings for beginners, Venetian Crochet squares,
Irish Crochet point lace, and three interesting baby hats. |
Klickmann, Flora,
ed. Home Art Book of Fancy Stitchery, with samples of Drawn Thread Work,
Resille Net, Bead-work and Fancy Stitches for Dress Trimmings, Feather Stitching,
Hardanger Work, Hedebo Work, Knitting, Macramé Work, Darned Net,
Cross-stitch, Ancient Cut-Work, Embroidery on Flannel. London: The Girl's
Own Paper and Woman's Magazine, c.1915, 114 pgs. Scans donated and photo
edited by Enfys 2006. More description from the cover: "With new ideas
for applying crochet to lingerie and napery, ...smocking,
...darned filet crochet, ...Irish crochet". Also teneriffe, Venetian
crochet, knit/braided rugs; a fantastic resource. |
KlickmannHoArCr1.pdf |
Klickmann, Flora,
ed. Home Art Crochet Book, Containing Entirely New Designs for Lingerie,
Edgings & Insertions, Borders for Tray Cloths & D’Oileys, Deep Laces
for Table Cloths & Valences, Motifs for Inlet Work & Irish Lace, Eighth
Impression. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, [c.1912], 118 pgs.
Scans donated and photo edited by Judith Adele 2006. Dozens of crocheted
laces of all difficulty levels, and many of them are unusual and beautiful.
Also filet charts, Irish Crochet motifs, and patterns for crocheting with
manufactured braids and rickracks. |
Knepf, Estella. Centerpiece
with Vandyke Leaf-Border, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 8, April 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Crocheted deep edging for a doily, each Vandyke point is a
veined leaf shape. |
Knorr, Mrs. Bertha, A
Collar of Modish Shape in Antique Filet, Needlecraft Vol. XI, No. 1,
September 1919. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and
OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006 Spectacular “spider” pattern crocheted
collar. |
Kreuzstitch und Filetmuster
aus Graubünden,
Herausgegeben von der Bündnerischen
Vereinigung für Heimatschutz. Gedruckt bei Bischofberger &
Hotzenköcherle, Chur Zürich, 1927. Scans donated by Annick Chartier, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2008. (some plates missing).
Cross stitch and filet instructions in vol. 1, illustrative plates in vol. 2,
and charts in vol. 3, many based on medieval, renaissance and neo-classical
patterns. Formal borders, corners and medallions of birds, flowers, dragons,
hunting scenes. |
Künstler Vorlagen für
Filetarbeiten und Handstickereien,
Heft I. München, 1917, 36 pgs. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited
by Judith Adele 2010. Filet illustrations for squares, medallions, edgings, - geometric and
classical designs, with photographs of their use as inserts in household
linens. |
Brodeuse Francaise Illustrée,
5 Mars 1908, Paris.
Scans donated by Gina Worthy, photo edited by Judith Adele. Embroidery templates - flowers, borders,
mythical and children's themes; lovely drawing. |
Sophie T. [08] Old and New Designs in Crochet Work, Book No. 8. St. Louis Fancy
Work Co., c.1915, 34 pgs. Crocheted edgings, medallions, for some lovely
doilies and library scarves. bags, door panels,
baskets, baby cap, apronns. |
Sophie T. [09] Old and New Designs in
Crochet Corset Covers and Nightgown Yokes: Book No. 9. St. Louis, St.
Louis Fancy Work Co. c. 1910, 15 pgs.
Scans donated by Jeannette S. Harris, photo edited by Judith Adele
2009. Crocheted yokes. |
LaCroix, Sophie T.
[11] Old and New Designs in Tatting, Book No. 11. St. Louis, Missouri:
St. Louis Fancy Work Co., [c.1910], 15 pgs. Scans donated and photo edited by
Judith Adele 2006. Tatting instructions, patterns for edgings, insertions,
medallions, doilies, collar and cuffs, baby cap, bag, alter lace. |
Sophie T. [13] Towels, Pillow-Cases,
Sheets, Book No. 13. St. Louis, St. Louis Fancy Work Co., [c.1915], 16
pgs. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Crochet patterns for edgings, insertions. |
Sophie T. [14] Old & New Designs in
Crochet: Yokes & Collars, Book No. 14. St. Louis, St. Louis Fancy
Work Co., [c.1915], 16 pgs. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by
Judith Adele 2010. Crocheted yokes, with some unusual shapes. |
LaCroix, Sophie.
[03] Old and New Designs in Crochet
Work, Bedspreads, Book No. 3. St. Louis, St. Louis Fancy Work Co., 1915,
32 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010. Beautiful bedspread motifs, filet patterns,
baby blankets, leaf and Irish Crochet patterns, cobweb and spider patterns. |
Lady's Book of
Knitting, Containing New and Easy Patterns of Useful and Ornamental Work.
Compiled and Edited by a Lady Expert, Who Has Conscientiously Tested All of
Them. Boston:
N.D. Whitney & Co., 73 pgs. microfiched at
Harvard University, Widener Library, scans photo edited by Judith Adele 2007.
Thorough explanations on the construction of knitted stockings, along with
fancy patterns for sweaters, blankets, trimmings and baby items. |
Lambert, [Frances]. My
Crochet Sampler. London: John Murray, 1844, 144 pgs. Scans donated and
photo edited by Judith Adele 2006, rev2010. Very early crochet publication,
colorful Victorian patterns for tapestry and filet crochet sofa pillows,
table covers, borders, coverlets, bags, slippers, shawls. |
Laura Wheeler Design 937:
Crocheted Chair Set.
Needlecraft Service, Inc., 1946, 5 pgs.
Scans donated and edited by KR Ritchie 2009. Pineapple pattern chair
set. |
Laura Wheeler Designs
Crocheted Square Pattern 532. [ND
c. 1946] 5 pgs. Scans donated and edited by KR Ritchie 2009. Crocheted
pinwheel square. . |
Les Patrons-Modèles
"Echo", Les - Album No. 3 - Travaux de Dames. Paris, 1925 [90 pgs]. Scans
donated by Sytske Wijnsma and Yvonne DeVries, photo edited by Judith Adele
2010. Illustrations and tracing patterns for a wide variety of embroidery and
needlelace for household linens. Some
of the bird, butterfly, and exotic scene designs are wonderful. |
Julius. Musterbüucher für Weibliche
handarbeit, heransgegeben von der Redaction der Modenwelt. Berlin, Franz
Lipperheide, 1881 [40 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by
Judith Adele 2010. Photoplates of a museum collection of cross stitched
textiles, many clear enough to stitch from. |
Emmy. Schiffchen-Arbeiten II.
Leipzig, Berlag Otto Beyer 1921,38 pgs. Scanned by Julia Haug, photoedited by
Judith Adele, 2009. How-to tatting
instructions and lovely patterns for motifs, edgings, baby bonnets, bag,
doilies, collars, cuffs. |
Loops, Mrs. W.A., et
al. Winter Comforts, Needlecraft Vol. II No. 5, Jan 1916. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft Publishing.
Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Crocheted baby jacket
and bootees, child’s cap, and house slippers. |
Lupton, F.M. The People's Handbook Series: The Ladies'
Model Fancy Work Manual Containing Designs and Directions for Knitting,
Crocheting and Lace-making, With Complete Instructions in the Various Branches
of Artistic Embroidery. Baltimore, I.&M.
Ottenheimer, 1894, 64pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith
Adele, 2010-10. Some interesting knitting stitches; the embroidery section,
particularly the discussion of color taste of the time, is very good. |
M. Heminway &
Sons Silk Co. [1] Lady’s Book on Art Embroidery in Silk with Engraved
Patterns. New York, [c.1900], 43pgs [p3 missing]. Scans donated by Luann
Pfost 2007-11. Embroidery instructions and illustrations for bags, appliqué,
crazy work, and black and white transfer patterns. |
M. Heminway &
Sons Silk Co. [6] Treatise on Embroidery, Knitting and Modern Lace Work,
with color illustrations from original models. Art Needlework Series Number 6. New York,
[c.1910], 152pgs. Scans donated by Luann Pfost 2007. Detailed embroidery
instructions, exquisite embroidered flowers, Battenberg lace instructions and
examples, church embroidery patterns, fancy bags, doilies, knit and crocheted
children’s and baby items, beaded bags with pattern charts. |
Heminway & Sons Silk Co. [9] A
Treatise on Art Needlework with Twenty Color Plates, Series No. Nine. New
York, c.1910, 103 pages. Scans donated by Luann Pfost 2008. More embroidery
instructions, including smocking, eyelet and netting. Stunning patterns and
plates for fruit, flowers, birds, dolphins, butterflies, fish, for doilies,
bags, including a woven bag, crocheted tango girdle, and tatted cushion top
and bags. |
and Sons Silk Co. [8] A Treatise on
Embroidery with Twenty Color Illustrations from Original Models. Art
Needlework Series No. 8. New York,
c.1910, 97 pages. Scans donated by Luann Pfost 2008. Detailed embroidery
stitch instructions, exquisite color plates. Leaves, flowers, borders, fruit,
fish, birds, animals, doilies, baby items, collars, cuffs, bags, and
crocheted ties, suspenders and bedroom slippers. |
Sajou. [161] Ouvrages de Dame No. 161. Paris c.1890, 8 plates. Scans donated
by Ramzi Ghezawi, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Charted alphabet for cross stitch. |
Sajou. [418] Albums pour Ouvrages au Crochet No. 418. Paris, G. Lefèvre &
Cabin Fils. c.1860, 8 pgs. Scans donated by Dindi Gelfi, photo edited by Judith
Adele 2009. Illustrations of crocheted edgings and squares. |
Mallory, Floy. For
a Clover Luncheon, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 4, Dec 1915. Augusta, Maine:
Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006.
Deep crocheted cloverleaf border with Clones knots for doilies. |
Manning, Margaret
Barton, ed. Needlecraft Vol. XI, No. 1, September 1919. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing, 28 pgs. Scans donated and OCR edited by
Adrienne Kattke 2006. A Mary Card filet crochet pattern for the Statue of
Liberty, embroidery, tatting , knitting and crochet patterns and stitch
instructions, fashion and needlework ads, “catchup” and pickle recipes. Some
of the patterns are also listed separately on this webpage, in OCR format
(easier to read). |
ManningNee1918-10-1.pdf |
Manning, Margaret
Barton, ed., Needlecraft Vol. X, No. 2, October 1918. Augusta, Maine:
Needlecraft Publishing, 26 pgs [some advertising pages omitted]. Scans
donated by J.B. Rupp, photo edited Judith Adele 2006. Wartime era patterns,
baking recipes, and general needlework advice: crocheted runner and doily,
edgings, hot-dish mats, filet crochet patterns , embroidered doilies, knitted
bedspread, knitted bag, crocheted filet spider yoke, fashion pages, and many
ads, including needlework tools and supplies. |
Manuel de Dessins
pour Crochet. Paris:
N. Alexandre et Cie, c.1860, 32 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006.
Illustration plates (no instructions) for lace edgings, squares, doilies. The
plates are clear enough that experienced crocheters will be able to figure
out the stitch patterns. |
Maxim, Fannie
Forrester. Centerpiece with Vintage Border in Richelieu Crochet,
Needlecraft Vol. II No. 5, Jan 1916. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft
Publishing, p1, 9. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006.
Beautiful grapes and grape leaves Irish Crochet deep edging. |
Mee, Mrs. & Miss
Austin. Tatting, or Frivolité. London:
Frederick Arnold, [c.1850], 15 pgs, pgs i - vii and ?-
p9 are missing. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A Museum, photo edited Judith
Adele 2007. Stitch instructions and patterns for tatted motifs, doilies and
edgings |
Meerten, A.B., Van. Penélopé of Maandwerk aan het Vrouwelijk
Geslacht Toegewijd, VI deel, I stuk, No. I. Amsterdam G.J.A. Beijerinck,
1830. Scans donated by Erik & Corrine Meeuwis, photoedited by Judith
Adele, 2009. Part of an issue of possibly the first women's craft magazines,
with instructions and beautiful illustrations. |
Michael, Jeannette,
E., et al. Knitted Table Mats, Needlecraft Vol. II No. 5, Jan 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Three knitted (one has a crocheted edge) hot plate mats. |
Mintorn, Mrs. J. H. The Hand-Book to Paper-Flower Making.
London, Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1864, 2nd ed., 62 pages plus ads.
Scans donated by Hope Wright, 2008. Instructions for making a dozen
flowers. Could be made in fabric and used in vases or for dimensional
appliqué. |
Moderne Stickerei-Vorlagen:
Secession Jugend-Styl: Embroidery Patterns Modern Style: Art Nouveau Album de
[publisher unk, c.1900, 20 plates] Scans donated by Dindi Gelfi, photo edited
by Judith Adele 2009. Color plates of cross stitch pattern charts - flowers,
borders and alphabets. |
Moerke, Mrs. E.D. Designs
in Hardanger Embroidery, Needlecraft Vol. II No. 5, Jan 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Three designs of drawn thread lace and Hardanger embroidery for
table sets or curtains. |
Monroe, Emma
Chalmers. A Lesson in Crochet, Needlecraft Vol VII No. 9, May 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Explanations for the crochet stitches and terminology used in
Needlecraft magazine. |
Morris, Ethelyn
Jones, ed. The Priscilla Colored Cross Stitch Book No. 1, A Collection of
Designs by the Priscilla Art Department. Boston: Priscilla Publishing,
1911, 9 pgs. Scans donated and photo edited by Judith Adele 2006. Colored
plates of simple floral, garden, alphabet and border block patterns. |
Morris, Ethelyn
Jones, ed. The Priscilla Colored Cross Stitch Book No. 2, A Collection of
Designs by the Priscilla Art Department. Boston: Priscilla Publishing,
1912, 9 pgs (back cover & plate missing). Scans donated and photo edited
by Judith Adele 2006. Colored plates of simple fruit and flower block
patterns, and suggestions for their use. |
Motif religieux, point de
tige. [Paris?
c. 1900] Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2010. Single sheet of embroidery tracing patterns for
church vestments and alter cloths. |
Alexandre & Cie. Alphabets Variés. Paris, Maison LsJeunesse Succ., c.1900, 8
plates. Scans donated by Ramzi Ghezawi,
photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Charted alphabet for cross stitch,
needlepoint or filet work. |
Nacke, Louise. Miscellaneous
Crochet. St. Louis, Missouri: Louise Nacke, [c.1916], 12 pgs. Scans
donated and photo edited by Judith Adele 2006. Filet portiere, Cluny-type
door panels, edgings for table and bed linens, crochet ball holders, doilies,
medallions, fitted vest. |
Practical Journal. [16] A Practical Journal Descriptive and Illustrative
of Point Lace Work, No. 16. Manchester, England: Manchester School of
Embroidery, [c.1910], 14 pgs. Scans donated by Digital Archive, reedited
Judith Adele 2006. Brief instructions on the use of tapes and braids and
point lace stitches, with tracing patterns for borders, insertions, a lady’s
sleeve, a bolero, corners, collars, butterflies, and a fan. |
Practical Journal. [21] A Practical Journal Descriptive and Illustrative
of Irish Crochet Lace, No. 21. Manchester, England: Manchester School of
Embroidery, [c.1910], 14 pgs. Scans donated by Digital Archive, reedited
Judith Adele 2006. Brief instructions, patterns for a flower cuff and collar,
several motifs, including a “pomegranate sprig”. |
Practical Journal. [27] A Practical Journal Descriptive and Illustrative
of Irish Crochet Lace, No. 27. Manchester, England: Manchester School of
Embroidery, [c.1910], 14 pgs. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive,
reedited Judith Adele 2006. Coat collar, baby lace, dress trimmings with
fanciful flower motifs. |
Service. Design 7356: Crocheted
Doilies. [Needlecraft c.1946] 4 pgs.
Scans donated by KR Ritchie 2009. Simple pretty doilies. |
Service. Design 861 Crocheted
Doilies. Needlecraft Service,
Inc., 1946 4 pgs. Scans donated by KR
Ritchie 2009. Leaf pattern doilies worked in two shades. |
Needlework Copie Book:
Toilette Present for Ladies: ?publisher c.1880. Scans
donated by Hope A. Wright 2008. Sixteen cross stitch alphabet patterns for
monograms in a wide variety of typefaces, and some Greek and classical
borders. |
Nichols, Mrs. P.W.,
et al. Homemade Gifts in Variety, Needlecraft Vol VII No. 4, Dec 1915. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Tatted card case, necklace, watchband.
Crocheted fuchsia and rose pendants. Tatted and
crocheted nut baskets, crocheted workbag, sachet, skirt hangers, a crochet
mat decorated with pumpkin seeds, knitted bag. |
Nicoll, Maud
Churchill, Knitting and Sewing, How to Make Seventy Useful Articles for
Men in the Army and Navy, New York, George H. Doran Company, 1918, 207
pgs. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, reedited Judith Adele 2006.
Patterns for military and working men’s clothing and kit items. Knitted
helmets, caps, scarves, sweaters, vests, socks, gloves and mitts, sewn
leather and heavy fabric clothing, bags and belts, crocheted and knitted
neckties. |
Niedner, Marie. Filet-Arbeiten,
Hefte III. Leipzig: Verlag Otto Beyer, 1921, 38 pgs. Scans donated by
Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited Judith Adele 2006. Victorian-style designs,
including cherubs and church patterns, for embroidered net, with netting and
stitch instructions. Large charts, good for filet crochet and cross-stitch,
are in the second pdf file. |
fleuri, Le dessin piqué.
Scan donated by Gina Worthy, photo edited by Judith Adele. Large single page
with embroidery patterns - lovely stylized floral spray and ivy wreath. |
Silk Co. How to Use Florence Knitting
Silk No. 4. Florence, Mass., Wright & Potter Printing, 1882, 57
pages. Scans donated by Bev Pisko, photo edited by Judith Adele 2008. Silk
knitted lace edgings, insertions, socks and stockings and baby booties,
mittens, fancy knittinf patterns, and instruction for a fringed silk
lampshade |
How to Use Florence Knitting Silk. Florence, Massachusetts, 1886, 92
pgs. Scans donated by Laurie Wright, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Silk
knitting patterns for mittens, purses and bags, stockings, edgings, fancy
stitches. Instructions for fringed silk lampshade, patterns for crocheted
beaded purses, bottle cover. |
Art Studios [02] Princess Crochet Album
of Edgings and Insertions Volume 2. Chicago, c.1915, 15 pgs. Scans
donated by Jeannette S. Harris, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Crocheted
edgings, yoke, doily. |
Art Studios. [8] Novelty Yoke Book No.
8. Chicago [c.1910] 15 pgs. Scans donated by Jeannette S. Harris, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2009. Crocheted yokes and boudoir caps. |
Orr, Anne. [03] J
& P Coats Yokes and Gifts: Crochet Book No. 3, Pawtucket, Rhode
Island, J& P Coats, 1919, 23 pgs. Scans donated by Jeanette S. Harris,
photo edited Judith Adele 2007. Filet crochet floral
charts for yokes, insertions, edgings, collars and corners. |
Orr, Anne. [04] J&P Coats Filet Crochet Book No. 4.
Pawtucket, R.I., J&P Coats, 1920, 23 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr,
photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010.
Exquisite crocheted vests, gowns, filet charts, boudoir jacket, yokes,
slippers, cap, church laces, shawls, sweaters, table runner and chair back. |
Anne. [13] Tatting Book No. 13. Nashville,
Tennessee, Anne Orr Publications, c. 1915, 16 pgs. Scans donated by Jeannette
S. Harris, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Tatted edgings, insertions,
medallions, baby cap and booties, collar and yoke. |
Orr, Anne. [19] Table Runners and other Pretty Patterns in
Crochet, Book No. 19. Nashville, Tennessee, Anne Orr Design Co. 1921, 15
pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010. Filet
charts, bags,
medallions, table linens, collars, cuffs, slippers, yoke. |
Orr, Anne. J&P Coats Crochet Book of Gown Yokes, and Boudoir Caps. Pawtucket, R.I., J&P
Coats, 1916, 32 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith
Adele, 2010. Lovely collection of boudoir yokes and caps. Filet charts. |
P.P. Bath Tatting
Book. London:
Emily Faithfull, 1865, 34 pgs. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, photo edited
Judith Adele 2006. Exquisite Victorian doilies, edgings and insertions. |
Pacelli-Livorno. Album
Delle Signore. Livorno, Italia, [c.1912, 15 plates plus ads]. Scans
donated by Dindi Gelfi, photo edited Judith Adele 2007. Colored cross stitch
charts - charming alphabets, borders and stylized flowers to embroider |
Penelope. Netherlands,
[c.1825] 7 plates. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith
Adele 2007. Embroidery plates that had been removed from a very early Dutch
needlework magazine. Fabulous embroidery chart of a hunting poodle. |
Peterson's. Patterns in Crochet, Peterson’s Ladies National
Magazine, Aug. 1868. Philadelphia:
Charles J. Peterson. Scan donated by Judith Adele 2006. Illustration plate
for doilies, edgings and bedspread lace. |
Pfeuffer, Augusta. Book Number Three, Filet Crochet and How
to Use It. New Braunfels, Texas, Augusta Pfeuffer, 1917, 15 pgs. Scans
donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010. Filet charts,
alphabets, corners, insertions. |
Platt, Mrs. C.B. Tatted
Slippers for Baby, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 8, Apr 1916. Augusta, Maine:
Needlecraft Publishing. Donated and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006.
Beautiful lace baby slippers. |
Embroidery Patterns, Simple, Dainty, Up-To-Date Designs - Fall and Winter
Catalog 1915-16. Boston:
Priscilla Needlework Co., 1915, 48pgs. Scans donated by Luann Pfost 2006.
Embroidery catalog with instructions and lists of materials available. |
Priscilla Manual. Boston, Priscilla Publishing, 1905 [first 20
pgs scanned of est. 48 pgs]. Scans donated by Nancy McCann, photo edited by
Judith Adele 2009. Instructions for battenberg, point, net and appliqué lace with many needlelace
stitches, and hardanger instructions and illustrations. |
Priscilla Needlework Book for
1898: How To Make Cut Work, Point Lace and Battenburg Lace and Silk
Boston, The Modern Priscilla, 1898, 48 pgs. Scans donated and photo edited by
Luann Pfost 2010. Gorgeous lace making with needlepoint stitches, and many
patterns, illustrations and instructions. |
Priscilla Publishing
Company (cross-reference) List of known book titles, with download links for
scans of some of them: Priscilla Publishing (last updated jac jan2010) |
Priscilla Tatting
Book No. 3, A Collection of Many Novel and Interesting Varieties of Tatting
with Directions for Working. Boston,
Priscilla Publishing, 1924, 32 pgs. Scans donated by Gail Owens, photo edited
by Judith Adele 2009. Tatting instructions, patterns for edgings, beadings,
medallions, doilies, yokes, baby caps, and descriptions of tatting stitches
such as: “Cluny tatting”, “Lattice-Stitch Tatting”, “Roll Tatting”. |
Proctor Booklet
of Designs and Instructions for Making Teneriffe and Filet Lace. Viroqua, Wisconsin: Proctor
Teneriffe Lace Wheel Co., 1903, 46 pgs. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive,
reedited Judith Adele 2006. Instructions for Teneriffe (also called Brazilian
Point, or Taora Lace) – winding and weaving over pins, followed by point lace
stitches. Many illustrations of delicate round and square motifs, and a few
photographs showing ways of using them. |
Richardson's [01] Complete
Instruction Book on Crocheting, Tatting and Smocking: Original Designs with
Directions for Working.
Chicago, Richardson's Silk Company, 1915, 32 pgs. Scans donated by Public
Domain Tatting Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Collars, doilies,
baby caps, booties, filet patterns, yokes, edgings, insertions, bags. |
[02] Complete Crochet Book, Book No. 2: Contains Illustrations and
Instructions on General Crochet, Filet Crochet and Tatting. Subjects Covered Are Edges, Insertions,
Yokes, Bed Spread Strips, Center Pieces, Towels, Luncheon Set, Chair Back
Cover, and many other useful and practical ideas. Chicago, Richardson's Silk Company, 1916,
34 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010. Also squares, doilies, boudoir caps, and a
stunning brassiere of crocheted medallions with manufactured braid. |
Richardson's [03] Crocheted
Edgings and Insertions, Book No. 3. Chicago,
Richardson Silk Company, 1916, 20 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting
Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. |
[06] Crochet Bedspreads, Original Designs, Book No. 6, Showing Bedspreads
made of Crocheted Squares, Insertions and Fringe, also Cluny Crocheted Squares,
Laces and Filet Crochet in Original Designs. Chicago, Richardson Silk
Company, 1916, 17 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith
Adele, 2010. Also knitted squares and
edgings. |
Richardson's [07] Tatting
Book, Book No. 7. Chicago,
Richardson Silk Co., [c. 1916] 20 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting
Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Collars, edgings, insertions,
yokes, corners, doilies, baby cap, lamp shade. |
Richardson's [10] 32 Prize
Yokes, New Designs, Book No. 10, Complete Detailed Instructions for Beginner
or Expert. Chicago,
Richardson Silk Company, [c.1917] 36 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain
Tatting Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. |
Riego [de la
Branchardiere, Eléanor]. Complete Tatting Book. London: Simpkin,
Marshall & Co., [c.1866], 30 pgs. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer (from
V&A Museum), photo edited Judith Adele 2006. Lovely Victorian laces - a
doily, an antimacassar constructed of squares and a border, and a variety of
narrow and deep edgings |
Riego [de la
Branchardiere, Eléanor]. Crochet Book [04] 4th Series. London:
Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1848, 32 pgs. Scans donated y Judith Adele 2006.
Exquisite Victorian patterns for collars, cuffs, chemisette, edging. |
Riego [de la
Branchardiere, Eléanor]. Crochet Book [06] 6th Series,
containing D’Oyleys and Anti-Macassars. [c.1850]. London: Simpkin,
Marshall, and Co., 20th printing, 1877, 44 pgs. Scans donated by
Judith Adele 2006. Doilies and antimacassar patterns, including suggestions
for vibrant color combinations. Note that the illustrations for D’Oyley No. 1
and 3 are swapped, and page numbering is off. Stitch instructions translated
into modern terminology by Kathy Adkins: PDF |
Riego [de la
Branchardiere, Eléanor]. Crochet Book [07] 7th Series, Third
Ed. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1850, 45 pgs. Scans donated and
photo edited by Judith Adele 2006. Fancy Victorian patterns – a butterfly and
geranium leaf pen wiper in tapestry crochet over fine wire, beaded and
tapestry crochet purses, sofa pillow. Her stitch definitions are at the front
of the book. |
Riego [de la
Branchardiere, Eléanor]. Crochet Book [09], 9th Series or Third
Winter Book. London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1850, 48 pgs [blank pages
omitted]. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Victorian era patterns for a
crocheted wool polka (short coat) with a knit border, wool manchette
(sleeves), 2 caps in bright colors, an opera cloak, and wool coverlet with a
tapestry iris pattern. |
Riego [de la
Branchardiere, Eléanor]. Crochet Book [11] 11th Series, Second
Ed. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1852, 46 pgs. Scans donated by
Judith Adele 2006. Elaborate crocheted lace meant to imitate
point lace – 2 collars, a berthe (lace draped over shoulders) and chemisette
(lace draped around neck). |
Riego [de la Branchardiere,
Eléanor]. Crochet Book [18] 18th Series, for Cluny, Guipure
d’Art and Maltese Laces. London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1869, 30 pgs.
Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Patterns for Victorian crocheted laces
intended to imitate bobbin and needle laces. There is a stitch guide at the
back of the book that works for all the Riego pattern booklets. |
Riego [de la
Branchardiere, Eléanor]. La Mode Winter Book. London: Simpkin,
Marshall and Co., 1862, 14 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Victorian
era patterns for a wool mourning shawl, a bright coverlet in textured
crochet, a gentleman’s comforter, carriage slippers, baby booties. |
Riego [de la
Branchardiere, Eléanor]. Winter Book, The. London: Simpkin, Marshall
and Co., 1857, 16 pgs. Donated by Judith Adele 2006. Wool collarette and
manchettes, gauntlet mitts, an opera cap, child’s gaiters. |
Riego de la
Branchardiere, [Eléanor]. “Lace Tatting”. Irish Lace Instructor. London:
Simpkin Marshall, 1886, p14-19. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A
Museum, photo edited Judith Adele 2006. The tatting pages only – detailed
motifs for Irish lace parasol, cushion, collar and cuffs. |
Riego de la
Branchardiere, [Eléanor]. Golden Stars in Tatting and Crochet [Etoile
Dorée in Tatting]. London: Simpkin Marshall, 1861, p1-8 of est. 30. Scans
donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A Museum, photoedited Judith Adele 2007. The
tatting pages only - star motifs in colored silk or cotton, for sleeves,
collars and doilies. |
Riego de la
Branchardiere, [Eléanor]. Lace Tatting Book. London: Simpkin Marshall,
1867, 29 pgs. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A Museum, photoedited
Judith Adele. Intricate patterns for a parasol cover, an antimacassar,
edgings, insertions and bonnet or doily. |
Riego de la
Branchardiere, [Eléanor]. Pearl Tatting Book. London: Simpkin
Marshall, 1866, 29 pgs. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A Museum, photo
edited Judith Adele 2007. Collar and cuffs, lappet headdress, antimacassar,
insertions, edgings, some easy, some complex, all lovely. |
Riego de la
Branchardiere, [Eléanor]. Raised Tatting Book. London: Simpkin
Marshall, 1868, 29 pgs. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A Museum, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2007. Elaborate antimacassar, edgings, insertions,
Maltese square, lappet, and a child's dress. |
Riego de la
Branchardiere, [Eléanor]. Royal Tatting Book. London: Simpkin
Marshall, 1867, 29 pgs. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A Museum, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2007. Antimacassars, edgings, insertion, tasselled
trim. |
Riego de la
Branchardiere, [Eléanor]. Simple Book of Tatting. London: Simpkin Marshall,
[c.1850] 13 pgs. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A Museum, photo edited
by Judith Adele 2007. Cravat, edgings, lappet. |
Riego de la
Branchardiere, [Eléanor]. Tatting Book. London: Simpkin Marshall,
1850, 36 pgs. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A Museum, photo edited by
Judith Adele 2007. Tatting instructions, edgings, collars, insertions,
squares, doilies, and appliqués for a waistcoat. |
Riego de la
Branchardiere, [Eléanor]. Tatting Edges and Insertions. London:
Simpkin Marshall, 1861, 16 pgs. Scans donated by Bobbie Demmer, V&A
Museum, photo edited by Judith Adele 2007. Edgings and insertions. |
Rising Sun, No. 7274. The Spool Cotton Company
c.1946 3 pgs. Scans donated and edited by KR Ritchie 2009. Seven sided easy scalloped doily. |
Robinson, Belle, ed.
The Priscilla Bead Work Book, A Collection of Old and New Beadwork, with
Patterns and Lessons For Working. Boston: Priscilla Publishing, 1912, 48
pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Designs from the 1700’s through
early 1900’s, some simple, some dazzlingly complex. Instructions, patterns
and charts for woven, knit, crocheted, and canvas embroidered beaded bags,
purses, belts, jewelry. |
Robinson, Belle, ed.
The Priscilla Cotton Knitting Book, A Collection of Useful and Beautiful
Patterns for Cotton, Linen and Silk with Directions for Working. Boston: Priscilla
Publishing, 1918, 48 pgs. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, reedited
Judith Adele 2006. Knitting instructions and stitches, with patterns for
doilies, bags, block pattern towels, laces, collars, baby hats, bedspread
squares and blocks. |
RobinsonPriscillaCenterpieces1-23.pdf |
Robinson, Belle,
ed... The Priscilla Crochet Book, Centerpieces and Doilies, A Collection
of Beautiful Pieces in Which Are Many That Are New and Novel and Many That
Are Old and Rare. Boston: Priscilla Publishing, 1915, 48 pgs. Scans
donated by Judith Adele 2006. About six dozen different doilies, some simple,
some (like the roll stitch pineapple doily) for the advanced crocheter. |
RobinsonPriscillaFilet1p1-23.pdf |
Robinson, Belle. The
Priscilla Filet Crochet Book, A Collection of Beautiful Designs in Filet
Crochet Equally Adapted to Cross-Stitch, Beads and Canvas, with Working
Directions. Boston: Priscilla Publishing, 1911, 48 pgs. Scans donated by
Judith Adele 2006. Excellent advice on filet crochet, directions for pillows,
doilies, edgings, bedspreads. Many filet charts. |
Romesha, Mrs. Ollie.
Vandyke Border in Tatting, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 8, Apr 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Lovely tatted Vandyke point edging. |
Society [05] Tatting and Crochet
Lessons Vol.1 No. 5. New York, H.R. Verran, 1915, 47 pages. Scans donated
by Cheri, photo edited by Judith Adele 2008. Nightgown yoke, dresser set,
candle shade, baskets, a wonderful Irish Lace Collar, cushions, bags, scarf,
centerpiece, edgings, a muffler and charming curtain pulls. |
Society [07] Crochet Lessons, Vol. 1 No. 7. New York, H.E. Verran. Co., 1916, 45 pgs.
Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith Adele, 2010. Beautiful
nightgown yokes, sacques, boudoir caps, bags, corset cover, lamp shades, desk
set, table scarfs, pillow, baskets,
bedspreads, hats, towels, filet charts, hairpin lace. |
Society [21] Lamp Shades and Medallions Crochet Book No. 21. New York, H.E. Verran Co.,
1922, 36 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited by Judith Adele,
2010. Wonderful silk lampshade patterns and instructions, filet charts,
medallions, squared, corners. |
Sanders, Julia E.,
ed. Priscilla Tatting Book No. 2: A
Collection of Beautiful and Useful Patterns with Directions for Working.
Boston, Priscilla Publishing, 1915, 44pgs (back cover and last pages
missing). Scans donated by Gail Owens, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009.
Tatting instructions for cotton, silk and metallic thread, doilies, edgings,
insertions, bags, yokes, motifs (lovely roses and daisies), collars, baskets,
beadwork, tatted appliqué on net, an alphabet, candle shades, baby bonnets. |
Brand/Marque du Cygne. Berlin, Heinrich Kuehn. Scans donated by Sytske
Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Cross stitch charts for geometric
patterns, rose border, and rose collar. |
Sherman, Stella L. Handbags
in Filet Crochet, Needlecraft Vol. VII No. 8, Apr 1916. Augusta, Maine:
Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006.
“Odd and pretty” crocheted drawstring bags. |
Smith, Addie L.
Crandall. Corticelli No. 18 Knitting and Crochet Book. Florence,
Mass., Corticelli Silk Co., 1922, 35 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006.
Roaring Twenties fashion that is still modern and wearable. Sweaters,
dresses, hats, scarves, baby items. |
Virginia [11] ed. Collingbourne's New
Easy Way of making real Tatting and Maltese Art, Book no. 11. Elgin,
Illinois, Collingbourne Mills, 32 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting
Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009.
Venetian cutwork, tatted collars, doilies, bags, insertions,
edgings. Maltese (hairpin) lace
instructions and patterns for boudoir caps and yokes and collars. |
Snow, Virginia [19].
Collingbourne's Authority on Fine Arts:
Crochet, Tatting, Knitting, Embroidery, Book No. 19. Elgin, Ill.,
Collingbourne Mills, 1917, 28 pgs. Scans donated by Debra Carr, photo edited
by Judith Adele, 2010. Nightgown yokes, corset covers, Irish Crochet collars
and cuffs, boudoir caps, purses, bags, baskets, beautiful Venetian stitch and
Cluny lamp shades, doilies and table linens, edgings, pillows, baby booties
and bib. |
J. ed. Les Jours Modernes [1] a Fils
Tirés Pour La Lingerie, La Mode et L'Ameublement, Album Numéro 1, Plus De 100
Modèles De Jours & Dispositions de Jours. [Paris? c. 1900, 36
pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma,
photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Instructions for pulled thread embroidery
stitches, lingerie and linens. |
J. ed. Les Jours Modernes [2] a Fils
Tirés Pour La Lingerie, La Mode et L'Ameublement, Album Numéro 2, Plus De 100
Modèles De Jours & Dispositions de Jours. [Paris c. 1900, 32
pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma,
photo edited by Judith Adele 2010. Instructions for pulled thread embroidery
stitches, lingerie, linens, baby clothes. |
J. ed. Les Jours Modernes [3] a Fils
Tirés: Lingerie, Album Numéro 3, Plus de 100 Modèles de Jours &
Dispositions de Jours. Paris c. 1900, 32 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2010. Instructions for pulled thread embroidery
stitches, lingerie, linens. |
J. ed. Les Jours Modernes [4] a Fils Tirés
Lingerie, No. 4. Paris [c. 1920, 32 pgs].
Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Instructions for pulled thread embroidery stitches, linens, girls' and
ladies' lingerie, baby items. |
J. ed. Les Jours Modernes [5] a Fils
Tirés No. 5 Broderies. Paris [c. 1920, 32 pgs]. Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2010. Instructions for pulled thread embroidery
stitches, linens, girls' and ladies' lingerie and clothing, baby items,
church vestments. |
J. ed. Les Jours Modernes [6] a Fils
Tirés: Rehaussés de Broderies Variées Pour la Décoration du Linge de Maison,
Album Numero 6. Paris [c. 1920, 32 pgs].
Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Instructions for pulled thread embroidery stitches and illustrations for
household linens. |
W. Das Kunsthandwerk Stickerei,
p48. Stuttgart [c.1880?] Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by
Judith Adele 2010. Illustration of gold embroidery panel. |
Spires, Flossie, et
al. Some Interesting Centerpieces and Doilies, Needlecraft Vol. II No. 5,
Jan 1916. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft Publishing, p 11, 21. Scans donated
and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Doilies, filet and Irish Crochet. |
Needlework. mythical tablecloth. Scan donated by Cynthia
Hanley, photoedited by Judith Adele 2009.
Filet crochet chart for center and four corners. |
Stickmuster-Buch Heft No. 185. Berlin c.1890, 20 plates.
Scans donated by Ramzi Ghezawi, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Charted
alphabet for cross stitch or filet work. |
T.E. Parker. Instruction
Book Teaching How to Do Stamping with Perforated Parchment Stamping Patterns
By the various methods of dry and web Stamping, including the kind for
Plushes, Velvets, etc., which will not rub off, and the New Liquid Process. How to do the Kensington and other Art Needlework
Stitches, Ribbon and Arrasene Work, etc., Kensington and Lustre Painting, and
the Art of Designing by means of the new set of Art Embroidery Designing
Patterns. Lynn, Massachusetts, T.E. Parker, [c.1890, approx. 24 pgs].
Scans donated by Luann Pfost 2007. Lovely floral and bird patterns. |
Tatting and Netting. London, Butterick Publishing,
1895, 150 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting Archive, photo edited
by Judith Adele 2009. Complete tatting, netting and needle lace instructions
with dozens of lace patterns. |
Taylor, Eliza A.,
ed. Priscilla Irish Crochet Book No. 2, A Collection of Patterns from The
Modern Priscilla, With Beautiful New Designs Never Before Published. Boston:
Priscilla Publishing, 1912, 48 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. A
continuation of Book No. 1 (by Lula M. Harvey). More, and fancier flower
motifs, butterflies, edgings, baby’s cap and booties, bags, doilies, collars,
buttons and garnitures. |
Taylor, Eliza, ed. Priscilla
Crochet Book, Edgings and Insertions, A Collection of Beautiful and useful
Patterns With Directions for Working. Boston: Priscilla Publishing, 1915,
48 pgs. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. Highly popular needlework book in
its time, and reprinted by at least three different publishers since.
Enormous variety of crocheted edgings, some using manufactured braid; most
are not difficult to crochet. |
Teneriffe Lace
Designs and Instructions. [Philadelphia?]:
Carl & Co., 1904, 48 pgs. Scans donated by Diane Spinelli, photo edited
Judith Adele 2006. Dozens of Teneriffe circle motif designs, with some
unusual ones, and suggestions for doilies, centerpieces, collars and cuffs. |
Testa, Carmella. Variety
Italian Cut Work and Filet Lace Book No. 1. Boston: Carmela Testa &
Co., 1921, 36 pgs. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive, reedited Judith
Adele 2006. Simple charted designs to use with a variety of needlework
techniques, which are also illustrated and described – Italian Cutwork, point
lace, netting, filet lace and filet crochet, drawn thread work. An
interesting tassel design for a bag. |
Tharpe, M.C. An
Attractive Table Runner, Needlecraft Vol. II No. 5, Jan 1916. Augusta,
Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne
Kattke 2006. Filet crochet lacet and bar pattern for a lace insert. |
ThoresenPriscillaHardanger2.pdf |
Maren etal. Priscilla Hardanger Book
No. 2: A Collection of Typical Norwegian Designs. Augusta, Maine,
Priscilla Publishing Company, 1924, 32 pgs.
Scans donated by Gina Worthy and Mary L. Chamberlain, photo edited by
Judith Adele 2009. Excellent description and instructions for Hardanger
embroidery, with illustrations and plates - squares, edgings and inserts. |
Torchon Lace
Company. American Lace Maker (Illustrated) Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. St.
Louis, 1904, 34 pgs in ea. vol. Scans donated by On-Line Digital Archive,
photo edited Judith Adele 2006. Instructions and illustrations for making
bobbin lace; patterns for a variety of fine lace borders. |
Townsend, Angeline
L. Forget-Me-Not Yoke, of Novelty Braid and Crochet, Needlecraft Vol. XI,
No. 1, Sep 1919. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft Publishing Company. Scans donated
by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Crochet and manufactured braid yoke that would work
up fast as a deep edging. |
Trigoulet, Jules,
ed. Ouvrages de Dames, Dessins Varies pour Crochet, Filet, Tulle, Tricot,
Frivolite, Guipure, Tapiserie, etc. [Ladies’ Work, Various Designs for
Crochet, Filet, Tulle, Knitting, Tatting, Guipure, Tapestry, etc.]. Paris:
Ancienne Maison, Rosselin, [c.1850], 8 plates. Scans donated by Judith Adele
2006. Charts for filet crochet, beadwork, darned netting, cross-stitch, etc.
- floral and formal doilies and edgings. |
Two Crochet
Squares for Table-Covers, Antimacassars, etc. Harper’s Bazar, Jun 26, 1869. New York: Harper &
Brothers, p 404. Scans donated by Judith Adele 2006. One of the squares has
instructions for “twist stitch”; an early publication of what is now called
“roll stitch” or “bullion stitch” in crochet. Also two tapestry or beadwork
charts and craft instructions for a picture frame, garden gloves and a card
case. |
Valeire, Anna. Crochet
& Tatting Craft Book No. 1, Edgings Medallions & Insertions, with
full instructions on over sixty pieces for use in lingerie & the home. St.
Louis, Missouri, E.C.Spueler, c. 1915, 14 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain
Tatting Archive, photo edited Judith Adele 2007. Patterns for edgings,
insertions, doilies, collars, motifs and medallions. |
Anna. My Book No. 3 Tatting Craft, A
Real Sampler, over 100 Designs. St. Louis, Missouri, E.C. Spuehler,
[c.1917] 16 pgs. Scans donated by Public Domain Tatting Archive, photo edited
by Judith Adele 2009. Tatting instructions, edgings, insertions, medallions,
collars, yokes, baby cap, alphabet. |
Anna. My Trousseau, Showing the Crochet
Work In It's Lingerie & Linens, Book No. 4.
St. Louis, Missouri, E.C. Spuehler, [c.1917] 16 pgs. Scans donated by Public
Domain Tatting Archive, photo edited by Judith Adele 2009. Yokes, table
runner, boudoir cap, slippers, doilies, fringed edgings, and some unusual
crocheted flowers. |
Vance, Mrs. C.F. Tatting
of Two Colors Applied to Centerpieces and Doilies, Needlecraft Vol. XI, No.
1, Sep 1919. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft Publishing. Scans donated and
OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Tatted edgings and medallions. |
Sherwood & Company. Sherwood's
Impression Powder and Perforated Patterns, For Printing all Kinds of Designs
for Braiding, Embroidery and Beading. Chicago,
c.1865, approx. 180 pages of drawings. Scans donated by Yvonne DeVries, photo
edited by Judith Adele 2009.
Manufacturer's sample book of embroidery and beading patterns -
corners, borders, ornaments, aprons, chemises, bags, pincushions, monograms,
etc. Huge collection of 19th century American design. |
Warren, [Eliza]. Court
Crochet Doyley Book. London: Ackermann & Co, 1847, 24 pgs. Scans
donated and photo edited by Judith Adele 2006. Very early lace squares and a
bread cloth. |
Flowers, How to Make Them, with New Methods of Sheeting Wax, Modelling Fruit,
Boston, J.E. Tilton and Co, 1864, 116 pages plus ads. Scans donated by
Hope Wright, 2008. Mid-Victorian craft nearly lost to today’s world. |
Helene. Beyers Handarbeits-Bücher, Band
38, Leichte Buntstickerei, Heft 1. Leipzig, Otto Beyer, 1924, 37 pgs.
Scans donated by Sytske Wijnsma, photo edited by Judith Adele 2010.
Embroidery for household linens and clothing - illustrations and some large
tracing patterns at the back of the book. |
Wells, Ethel
Sterling. A Variety of Borders in Crochet, for Centerpieces and Doilies,
Needlecraft Vol. VIII No. 12, Aug 1917. Augusta, Maine: Needlecraft
Publishing. Scans donated and OCR edited by Adrienne Kattke 2006. Three doily
edges, including a filet cloverleaf and a 5-point star motif. |
WilkePrisCross01-14.pdf |
Wilke, Harriet
Cushman, ed. Priscilla Cross Stitch Book, A Collection of Useful Patterns
with Suggestions for Their Use in Various Styles of Work. Boston:
Priscilla Publishing, 1899, 48 pgs (cover missing). Scans donated by Judith
Adele 2006. A classic. Detailed descriptions of the many embroidery stitches
used in charted patterns, as well as charts for alphabets, historic, formal
and floral borders, church and heraldic motifs, intricate birds, butterflies,
flowers. Many of these patterns work for filet crochet, beading, charted
knitting, etc. |
Wilson, Mrs. L.
Barton, et al. Corticelli Home Needlework, A Manual of Art Needlework,
Embroidery and Knitting. Florence Mass.: Nonotuck Silk Company, 1898, 96
pgs. Scans donated by Luann Pfost 2007. Lovely silk embroidery; many stitches
illustrated and described for shaded flowers and garlands, monograms, and a
quaint rabbit. |
Worth, Madame. Madame
Worth's New Manual of Fancy Work. A Guide to the Various Kinds of Kensington
Embroidery and Painting. Embroidery, Drawn Work, Lace Work, Knitting,
Tatting, Crochet Work, Net Work, Etc., Etc., Etc. Including Practical
Directions for Making Wax Flowers and painting on Silk, Etc., Etc. 200
Illustrations. Hartford, Conn.: R.L. Spencer Co., 1886, 44pgs. Scans
donated by Luann Pfost, (with enlarged and enhanced pages added) 2007.
Description from cover: "Kensington Stamping and Embroidery, Kensington
Metallic Flitter and Lustre Painting, Ribbon Embroidery, Colors of Flowers,
Etc., Etc.". An astonishing and rare book, with instructions, charts,
embroidery templates, flower drying, interior decor and other crafts. |
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